I have just returned from a nice ride and I was on my own, I cycled a forest trail for several miles and the further I got into the woods the more isolated I became, it was kind of spooky but very peaceful. The downside of cycling alone is that when you come to an area of outstanding beauty, you don't have anyone to share the experience with. At one point I came down quite a steep part of the trail which ran along the edge of a valley, it really was quite a steep drop, one mistake and it would have been 'goodnight Vienna'. I won't be doing that route on my own again, I thought afterwards that perhaps the route I took would have been better suited to a group ride, especially considering the hazards. Sometimes I think the routes that we decide to cycle on dictate if its a route for a single rider or not, safety in numbers and all that.
Now, if anyone has the time, can someone please explain to me how best to get through muddy boggy trails, oh, and tree roots, the damn tree roots, and vines, those bloody vines snagging on my pedals, and those thorns at eye level, actually, it may be the right time for me to think about getting a drop bar bike and hitting the tarmac, no tree roots or any of natures little booby traps on the tarmac. Tarmac is good, tarmac is safe'ish.