wafflycat said:*Exactly*
Join British Cycling or the CTC but Sustrans? Never Sustrans.
You don't have to be a racing cyclist to join British Cycling.
You don't have to be a cycling tourist to join the CTC.
By joining BC or CTC you are doing the future of cycling a favour. Join Sustrans, and you are doing the future of cycling a huge disservice IMO.
I agree. I was a member of CTC and on moving, joined a road club with more association with BC than CTC. I then joined BC and I like the youth development work that they do, so feel that my membership is contributing in a small way. Equally, I have respect for CTC, as waffly has pointed out, you do not need be tourer to do join A steel frame, a beard and a rather eclectic group of friends can be the stereotype of the CTCer, but in reality they are a broad church. I find CTC does a lot of good campaigning work which I agree with.