Crazed cyclist jumping red lights,giving aggressive gestures

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I didn't post about this yesterday as i've been analysing it since it happened,wondering if it was worth mentioning on here. I've decided to share my experience,probably in the hope that mentioning it to fellow cyclists will let me get it off my chest. Yesterday as me and a friend i were leaving a small retail park in Accrington we had an altercation with a cyclist. My friend was driving while i was a passenger in the front seat. We were second in line at the traffic we went through the green for go light roughly 4 to 5 seconds after they'd changed. All of a sudden a female cyclist came at our car from the left. My friend asked if she was seeing things,meaning was she really seeing a bike jump the lights and cycle towards her. I said yes,as i watched this cyclist ride in front of us obviously shouting something and giving what could be described as aggressive gestures. I made eye contact with the cyclist who glared at me and continued with the aggressive stance,so i wound down the passenger window asking what her problem was."Get a move on you f..k..g idiots" was her reply. We were both shocked. This woman had actually jumped a red light and not only that but also expected us to "get a move on" so we'd be out of her way. The red mist came down,as they say,and i shouted to her that she was an idiot and totally in the wrong. She then banged on the top of our car as we passed. We were then held up in a traffic queue as we watched her speed by towards the next set of lights which she also jumped. I'd like to add that she wasn't alone. She had a male cyclist with her,but to be fair to him he seemed sheepish about this and kept a low profile. We could hear the beeping of car horns up ahead as she was obviously giving other motorists stick as they slowed to let her go on her way. Further along the road you come to a hilly bit, so i again wound down the window as she and her fellow cyclist were climbing this hill and pointed out to her that i was a "roadie" and was shocked to see her actions. I thought this might've subdued her a little but no she kept on with the insults till her and her partner turned off on the left'
So that's it. I'd say that i now see how such cyclists give us cyclists a bad name. My thoughts were that she'll have upset some motorist so bad that that motorist will take the frustrations out on another cyclist somewhere along the line. I spent quite a bit of last night thinking why she was acting in such a manner. Maybe they were on a time trial,maybe she had anger issues,maybe she thought she was in the TdF,maybe she was just a nutter? I know i've done some daft things while cycling in pursuit of getting somewhere to beat my record or whatever,but to actually jump a red light and become aggressive with those who've questioned her actions leaves me dumbfounded. If she'd(they'd)been what i'd call chavs on bikes i'd expect it,but she looked what some would call a serious cyclist.
Thanks for reading this it's given me the chance to share my(our experience),even if it was a bad one.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Thank your lucky stars they weren't in that sort of mood behind the wheel of a car.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Are you glad you moved?
I'd say yes more than no.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Ok,seeing as some are blindly taking the side of a fellow cyclist,i'd also like to add that this woman and her partner were]]
Sounds like ADHD or similar.

Maybe the male friend will wizen up and stop cycling with her.
She was certainly manic.
He didn't jump the red light like she did. I noticed that as they approached the next set of lights further down the road,she moved from being behind him to then ride two abreast for a few seconds before moving into the right lane without indicating. This must've been the incident that set the motorists off beeping their car horns at her. The male seemed to be wobbling a little like he was knackered. Maybe he'd been trying all day to keep up with her and this wasn't their first cyclist v motorist encounter of the day? He was probably thinking "Oh no for god's sake not again!"

Deleted member 26715

Too close? My friend turned right,the cyclist came at us from the left. The cyclist approached us. It wasn't a case of encroaching on the cyclists space.
Yes, both you & your 'friend' were aware of the cyclist yet she chose to continue on her way & squeeze the cyclist to the extent that she was able to bang on the roof. Yes the cyclist may have been in the wrong, but why did your 'friend' either stop, slow to allow the cyclist room to pass, or move slightly to the right to allow the cyclist free space. Sorry 2 wrongs do not give your friend the right to put the cyclist life in danger, even if she was prepared to do that herself.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
On a lighter note,the woman looked a bit like "Sophie Wessex".

Seriously for a split second i thought it was her:smile:.,though the woman in question was slimmer and more athletic looking than her. I'm now wondering if she's some kind of semi pro' on a training ride? Maybe she was and the adrenalin was pumping, My friend has what some would call a "pensioner/postman Pat" type car. The cyclist could've been thinking "Sh!t,get these old dodderers out of my way!" If that was the case she shouldn't be riding through quite a busy area that has four sets of lights.
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