A couple of interesting snippets from the 'around the world' brief on
Medscape - hoping this will pass the
@Rocky test

Brazil government have taken a stand against the requirement of a health passport. Last Monday, the MoH
vaccination website was inaccessible because of "preventive maintenance", however, the Health Minister later admitted that the site had suffered a new cyberattack attempt: the website and the application
ConecteSUS, a platform that shows proof of vaccination against COVID-19, suffered a ransomware
attack by hackers. The problem also affected the system for reporting cases of the disease." (edited)
"An unnamed man in
New Zealand is being investigated for
receiving 10 doses of COVID-19 vaccine in one day at multiple vaccination centers after being allegedly paid to
impersonate other individuals."
Comment: Only ID asked for in UK vaccination centres is, I think, DoB. Perhaps the 'reception desk' should ask for age as well or ask which doctors' surgery they are registered with? As a confidence/cross check (for the un-mathed imposter).