Leg End Member
Is it? I, and many others waited on being told we were now eligible for the jab, via a letter. No booking through the site or 119.Sure. Firstly, your chance of getting through the booking app before it crashed is a function of many things, including your broadband speed, which is linked to your location.
I was given the choice of five time slots, but only the nearest location. Earlier problems meant I was expecting anywhere. Still reached via public transport, taking the better part of an hour and more than one service. Direct link was removed ten years ago.Secondly, the chance of appointments that I could reach is a function of many things, including how many vaccination centres I can access, which again is linked to location (because they are not completely proportionately distributed) and transport links definitely aren't uniform yet either.
Whose resources?Now, I benefit from the setup of this lottery because I live next to an industrial park (so fast broadband), on a main road with cycleway (so good transport links), between four medium-sized market towns (so good choice of vaccination centres), but I can still see that this is a postcode lottery, not fair and wasting resources. While I just went to my nearest town, there was an over-50 in the queue near me who had travelled hours from the other side of a city for an available appointment.
From what little I know, safe storage, of the vaccine, is the important part.
You benefited from the setup, but the setup is wrong.
Why not. You're saying it's location based(postcode), not aged based.That is not necessary for it to be a postcode lottery.
Why didn't you just wait to be informed. The same as a few million others had to.I think the vaccination booking app unfairness is not particularly age-related. I know we need a system but it seems to be basically first come first served once opened to each age group and your chance of being "first come" is linked to where you live in at least two ways. It feels like another dud NHS app.
Just checked and it gives you two options, via the site, not app, or via 119.
Why this obsession with apps.I'm surprised someone didn't contract it out to something like meetup or eventbrite! But if they had, maybe we would have got unlucky and it would have been contracted to the operator of one of those dreadful sportive booking apps. At least the NHS one was simple enough it was possible to get through quickly...
In this case it's a website of a telephone call. Or wait until you receive the letter. Suppose you still had to wait for that letter, no booking and being told where you'd to turn up.
And yes, I am aware of what I posted earlier with regards myself. But it started and ended there for me. The risks outweigh the benefits in my view. I'll not be wasting the time of those in an A&E department or the ambulance service again.
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