I have family members who a diehard anti vax, they say everything from it causes issues to its big pharma using us all as cash cows.
since Covid they have spewed every possible theory out there now, from nano trackers in the vaccine which I said what makes you so special or any of us that our location must be known 24/7 to 5q causes the virus.
I did point out they own smart phones and fitness GPS trackers so if being tracked is an issue there is some huge contradictions there.
They follow David Icke and Piers Corbyn, and are huge QAnon followers.
I can’t talk sense into them they won’t listen to reason, they’re flat earthers as well so kinda says it all.
lol had a nice Zoom call where another relative invited my Covid Denying Aunt and Uncle, that was fun, they started tell my mother not to take the flu jab as it contains mercury and the such, when it got the nano trackers in the Covid one I couldn’t hold it in anymore.
I said it’s a mercury derivative not pure mercury a simple google search will tell you this.
I said the nano trackers lol far easier ways of doing that plus you own and use a smart phone and GPS tracker smart watches, so don’t be a hypocrite if you’re gonna preach they are tracking you while using an abundance of traceable tech. I also said why are you so important you need to be tracked.
it then bounced back to an earlier argument where they argued that Covid isn’t classed in the same degree as Ebola, I said no totally different ones a respiratory illness the other is a haemorrhagic fever, in this same earlier arguement I had also said I trust some people I know on their opinions, one is a doc I have known since pre-school so life long friends virtually, I got the 'my mate in the pub said' comment.
I’m not doing family Zoom meetings again, then again, it’s better than face to face where I think I wouldn’t knocked his block off.