Close followers of this thread may remember some discussion about the 15 Feb target and how we would(n't) know whether they'd been met (JCVI Gps 1-4)++ or to what extent they'd been met. Do not feed the mathematicians

/statisticians, please, unless it's raining and windy outside.
PHE have published the 16 Feb data:
These are England figures but perhaps it is reasonable to assume that this success is reflected in the other nations of our United Kingdom.
Group 1: 94% of residents; 69% of staff. About 54k (>33k + >20k) couldn't be vaccinated because they'd had C19 within 28 days. 561k vaccinated (at least first dose).
Groups 2a, 3 and 4a++
2,649k over 80s (pop = 2,837k) so 93%. (7% = med unable, hesitant, too soon since C19 infection)
1,928k 75-79 (pop = 1941k) >99%! - one of these figures must be wrong (pop figures from ONS)
2,564k 70-74 (pop = 2779k) 92%
The 5.7M under 70s will be some Gp 5s (including chatters OTP) but mostly care home staff (Gp 1 above: 304k), health and social care frontline workers (Gp 2b), CEV in Gp 4b (and carers). I have seen estimates (England) for these elements as Gp1=465k, Gp2b=3.8M, Gp4b=1.2M (Edit: think this is a low estimate). Those numbers suggest a very high percentage (Edit: but not a narrow CI) have been jabbed.
++ JCVI Gps 1-6
1 Residents in a care home for older adults and their carers
2a All those 80 years of age and over
2b Frontline health and social care workers
3 All those 75 years of age and over
4a All those 70 years of age and over
4b Clinically extremely vulnerable individuals* (and carers)
5 All those 65 years of age and over
6 All individuals aged 16 years**to 64 years with underlying health conditions which put them at higher risk of serious disease and mortality*** (and some carers)
Population Estimates for the UK, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland: mid-2019
56,286,961 | 3,152,879 | 5,463,300 | 1,893,667 |