Coventry Eagle Triple Ace Convertable Tandem.

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I found my chains! They were still in oil in an old 5 ltr oil can which I use for doing oil changes . Quite a few of the links were still stiff so I sat down and went through each link, A bit like Rosary beads! :whistle: Some required working on with 2 pairs of Vice Grips. A bit of hand manipulation .
After cleaning the chains I fitted the longest one , the front. As I turned the crank I noticed that the chain kept jumping . On closer inspection I found that the chainring had a kink in it . I got my hammer and dolly out and sorted it out . The rear one was the next to be fitted . On with the wheel and connected up the split link . Success! For the first time since I bought the bike the pedals turn and the rear wheel spins . :smile:
I have still some more fitting up and checking things over before I can give it it's first test ride but it is getting there slowly .


Itching to get back on my bike's
Does dolly enjoy being hit with a hammer then ??


That's a fantastic looking bicycle, and the frame looks like a very neat design. How rigid is it now it is all assembled?
That is a good question ! As it is quite a heavy frame, a lot heavier than my steel racing bikes it tends to show up any slack in the bearings as soon as I put the bike down . I haven't ridden it yet so I can't say as to how rigid it is . As I said I have already noticed that the front wheel bearings need tightening up . There are a lot of things which will need to be checked before I get to ride it . It is a lot of a bike , a bit like working on two bikes at once !
I will have to adapt to it, as I have already discovered that I haven't got used to its length as I moved around my backyard. I have found that my garden furniture has come with me ! I haven't been allowing enough for it's length and turning circle .
It will be a new experience for me ! I've been wondering what it will be like to ride with a passenger on the back? I've ridden a motorbike with a passenger on the back and felt how their movements are transmitted through the bike . It must feel odd feeling the passengers input on the drivetrain .
The bike is slowly progressing and it looks as I may soon be able to take it for a test ride . Fingers crossed !


This afternoon was the first time I went solo on it ! A bit odd really when you consider it was built for two people .
I had a few problems this morning trying to get everything connected up so that I could go for my first test ride . I had some play in the front wheel bearing which wouldn't go away . I stripped it down several times . I think that I had reassembled it as it had come apart but wasn't too sure . I tried looking it up on the internet but all they showed e was the rear hub ! :angry:. I eventually swapped things round and eliminated the play .
I connected up the rear brake rod to the front cable and rear brake drum. This has to be the correct way round as I discovered after a failed attempt, one end bring longer than the other . The rear brake seems better than the front . The next thing was to fit the seat and rear handlebars and I would be ready for a ride
Mounting the bike is awkward. It is bad enough at times swinging your legs over a saddle but add on another set of bars and it becomes difficult . I almost fell off ! Once aboard I set off. It felt a little bit strange but not too bad. It is probably due to the type of bars fitted. The return journey felt really hard. Not sure if it was because it was in top gear or not . I haven't connected up the gears as the cable has snapped . It felt as though the wheel was rubbing the frame . I returned home to put on my helmet before going out for a longer ride . I set off again down hill, everything felt fine , the uphill bit felt much harder. I continued to the top of my road so that I could ride along on a flat section . Everything was going well until the drive suddenly went ! I looked down to see both pedals at bdc! A new cotter pin had come out !
I scooted back home and put the bike back into the garage for the day .
I have a few things to sort out before I can take it out again . The gears will need to be checked to see if I can get them working . Finding some good cotter pins will be a priority ! A new rear tyre and inner tube will also be needed before any long rides are taken .I didn't get much of a chance to find out how it rides as I only managed half a mile before the pin came out . The riding position felt a bit strange but then again I'm not used to riding this sort of bike .


Itching to get back on my bike's
The first shakedown is always a bit nerve racking, I always try and put a fresh build on the turbo trainer, but that’s a bit too long!

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That's a good idea running new builds in on the turbo trainer

We have our tandem set up on a turbo trainer at the moment


I took the tandem out for a longer test ride yesterday afternoon . I had spent the morning trying to cobble up a gear system which could work in place of the Sturmey Archer 3 speed gear lever . I haven't managed to get the gear cable out of it yet . The nipple end is stuck inside and I can't manage to hook it out .
I found an old Shimano friction type indexed lever which was bar mounted which I thought would work for the time being . I found some old non stainless steel gear cable which I could solder a joiner to to join the two halves of the cable together . Normally the bike would have had two threaded sections which screwed together which were also long enough to allow for adjustments .
I managed to join the cables together and got the gears to sort of work . I have never had a SA before so it has been a bit of a steep learning curve . Trying to adjust the cables to the Goldilocks setting took ages . I'm still not sure if I have all the gears, but at least I found 2. I also found a few neutrals ! I can't complain as it is a makeshift system .
I managed to find some old cotter pins the other day and had replaced the crank which fell off . A quick check over before a short test ride . 2 laps of the green and nothing had fallen off ! I pumped up the tyres as they felt a bit soft before I went and put my cycling gear on . A hi Vis top and a better pain of jeans .
I set off up the road and off up the road for my usual short ride . It seemed to be going quite well. I had found a lower gear which was coping well with the level road surface and I even managed to find top and built up some speed . The brakes are a bit slow ! The rear one is much better than the front . They do sort of work .
I had to get off and walk up the first hill I came to. It is a strange hill. I have sometimes had to get off sometimes in the past on my other bikes . I think the bend at the bottom at the start doesn't allow you to carry enough momentum for the incline . Anyway once past that obstacle everything went fine . I wanted to get up some speed on the downward section and tried an emergency stop ! Yes ! Well , let's hope there aren't too many emergencies !
As things were progressing well I decided to extend my ride . I stopped off at a railway bridge to take few photos . I waited there a while for the sun to come out. I thought that I would try to capture the bike in some good light . It looks quite pretty in the sunshine .
I set off back on my return journey . I was starting to get a feel of the bike . It doesn't feel any bigger than my other bikes whilst riding it solo . The steering feels a bit strange, but I having to use old bearings and the handlebars are different to what I'm used to . It does seem to ride well over bumps better than my other bikes, there isn't that bumping jolt through the bars . It doesn't feel much slower than my other bikes, that may just be a false impression. Riding solo I haven't found any wobble from the frame , this may change with another rider sat on the back I don't know . I will have to see if my wife is brave enough !
So after a successful 5 mile ride I am happy with it . It needs some further work , but it is coming on .


Here are some new pictures of what I have been up to.
Firstly, a picture of a crank arm which is stamped with" Utility". I've never seen that before !
The buckle in the chain ring was soon sorted with a hammer and dolly. I couldn't have ridden it the way it was.
A couple of pictures taken from yesterday of my bike halfway round on my ride and some pictures of the headbadge. I thought I would try polishing it up .
Lastly are some pictures of how the rear braking system is designed to allow the tandem to be dismantled for conversion into a solo bike .
There are 2 steel threaded rods which screw into one another and into the front cable fixing. To connect up the front section for a solo bike the front rod would simply be removed and the rear one connect up .







New Member
Thanks for these posts - fascinating reading. About 12 years ago I found something very similar for sale outside a bike shop in Bristol. The owner told me it was his parents' bike. It was bought and cycled home solo and wrapped as an xmas present for my better half. Sadly the frame was a little small for me and the wife wasnt that keen. Now we are moving I have spotted it hanging in the rafters of the garage. The Coventry branding is a transfer on the rear seat tube so probably it's late 50's. Its very similar to the one featu

Convertible tandem.jpg

red in these posts but I seem to remember the rear brake cable looked a bit heath robinson - but worked so maybe isnt 100% original. I havent ever taken it apart but looks like it would be straight forward. If anyone is interested in acquiring this I would be happy to get it down and make some space amongst packing boxes to take some more photos.
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