Council Intensifies its War On Cycling.

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Much easier to pick on the low hanging fruit to prove your doing something. :sad:

Not only the low hanging fruit but also the fruit that your supporters like
lazy politics basically - but successful
Not sure if I'm missing something here, or if maybe the cyclist was smuggling drugs in his haversack, but this seems extreme to me.

I know its probably an unfair comparison, but I couldn't help but notice this link from the comments.

What a bunch of stiff necked old fools. Besides that, those fines are absolutely ABUSIVE. The fine for the first offense should be on the order of 25 pounds. This is a great example of of abusive bureaucrats extorting money for them to spend.


South Wales
What a bunch of stiff necked old fools. Besides that, those fines are absolutely ABUSIVE. The fine for the first offense should be on the order of 25 pounds. This is a great example of of abusive bureaucrats extorting money for them to spend.

The fine is actually £100. He ended up paying that much because he refused to pay the fixed penalty and fought it in court. Which doubled the fine, and added costs and a "victim surcharge".

I think £100 is still rather excessive, but it does say that on the (not prominent enough) signs.


You find out where they park their car ….. £4.99 for a bottle of paint stripper from B&Q ….
Some would say …


Leg End Member
W.I.S.E again.

Staff doing what staff are told to do. With this company, easy prey are certainly needed to maintain employment.
Or is it simply a bonus scheme that does same?
Some councils took over policing moving traffic violations earlier this month.
Wondered how long it'd be before they got someone.


Some councils took over policing moving traffic violations earlier this month.
Wondered how long it'd be before they got someone.

No, in this case it is just right wing councils copying other right wing councils, as per the media inspired war on cycling.
The wording is confusing, but it is the same as years before.


The Tories have been dominant there since about the year 2000. Less so now but they are still the biggest party.


Legendary Member
But not the only ones. The statement above was a generalisation too far, and a needless piece of political grandstanding.

Twottishness does not respect party boundaries to the convenience of those that would like it to be so.
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The liberals are keen on private tendering too, so these outcomes may well be a result of cost constraints and dodgy tenders.
The other source of income will be litter louts and dog mess runners. No doubt they lie in wait on those too, though passing cyclists might just be a more lucrative income.
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