Yes it is in fact we already have contact tracing that works and has been for years. Ran and implemented by local professionals who know the community and know what messaging works. Which is what other counties have continued to use and invest in. We just handed the whole lot to Serco who have no background in public health or experience of contact tracing. In one go cutting of local informed , experienced professionals. Even simple stuff is missed like much of the updated guidelines have not been made available in different languages. We can’t even manage simple effective public health messaging. Which is well known to work. We don’t even ask why people are asking for a test. Like did they get told if so who , did they feel like having one , if so why
Disabled people have been turned away for testing as no one thought how can they do the test themselves. We have decades of research and information on how people do thing and why. We know what works and with which groups of people. Plenty on how society works. I know I sent years studying them. The government just is not involving experts who can explain it or look at what’s not working. They just want to play the blame game and wash hands of any of it.
You keep mentioning other counties. I assume you mean countries.
I agree with you that our approach to testing and contact tracing as a country has been very poor. You will not see me congratulating this government on their handling of the pandemic.
What I disagree with you on is that it is easy to fix. It should have been done a lot better from the start but it wasn't and now, six months in, to stop doing what we are doing and change it to something more effective is probably beyond this government's abilities.
The government cannot avoid taking the blame for most of the problems with testing and tracing but I also believe a significant element of the fault lies with the general population, too many of whom see these restrictions as a pain and unnecessary, and look for ways to get round them rather than adhere to them.
Nobody comes out of this well.