Coronavirus outbreak

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East Sussex
Some of my relatives went to the protests over the weekend in London, I have had particular issues with one as they're a staunch anti vaxer, who keeps telling my mother with mental health issues to stop taking her depression and anxity meds.

When they start saying about vaccines being full of trackers it makes me see red, they can't see the irony of using an smart device, or even google if you believe in such things.

I told my relative so it's a false virus to inject us with a false vaccine? when they reply was yes I said if this was the plan why so long and convoluted just put the trackers in the drinking water! I also said if all the people in London protesting think the virus is fake, then please waive all rights for treatment if they contract it.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Some of my relatives went to the protests over the weekend in London, I have had particular issues with one as they're a staunch anti vaxer, who keeps telling my mother with mental health issues to stop taking her depression and anxity meds.

When they start saying about vaccines being full of trackers it makes me see red, they can't see the irony of using an smart device, or even google if you believe in such things.

I told my relative so it's a false virus to inject us with a false vaccine? when they reply was yes I said if this was the plan why so long and convoluted just put the trackers in the drinking water! I also said if all the people in London protesting think the virus is fake, then please waive all rights for treatment if they contract it.

What do you do when it's a relative that is so out touch ? I'm sure they'd want the medical attention if they get a health condition in later life.

Having been majorly caught out at the start of the lock down, we have got a month's supply of cat food at the weekend as it was significantly cheaper to buy in bulk, one spare pack of loo rolls, and one shopping bag full of none perishables (tins of soup, spaghetti etc, and some flour). There is enough food to manage a couple of weeks

It wasn't funny having to go out daily to find cat food (the buggers will only eat one type) without paying £16 a pack - I paid £10 with 4 extra packets.


Why do people keep mentioning Sweden as a glowing example of covid management when Malaysia have been far more successful? They got on top of track and trace, testing and locked down sensibly and have 3 times more people than Sweden in a hot and humid climate yet about 2-3% of the deaths!. Sweden have a terrible record compared to their neighbour's also...
They most certainly do.

Translation: Key Figures For The Nordics. Totals as of today for accumulative deaths, present hospital admissions, present intensive care, and accumulative infections.


East Sussex
What do you do when it's a relative that is so out touch ? I'm sure they'd want the medical attention if they get a health condition in later life.

Having been majorly caught out at the start of the lock down, we have got a month's supply of cat food at the weekend as it was significantly cheaper to buy in bulk, one spare pack of loo rolls, and one shopping bag full of none perishables (tins of soup, spaghetti etc, and some flour). There is enough food to manage a couple of weeks

It wasn't funny having to go out daily to find cat food (the buggers will only eat one type) without paying £16 a pack - I paid £10 with 4 extra packets.

My relative is telling my mother to stop taking her meds that are keeping her on the straight and narrow at the moment. we can address the underlying issues when things are more normal.

It's the same relative taking part in protests and breaking social distancing regulations, then visiting other relatives, for example she visits my mother who is being investigated for COPD, if these people want to meet and potentially spread the virus then please have the decency to not visit people who have serious health issues.

The relative is my aunt, she spouts every conspiracy theory ever been uttered it's not helping or constructive, she believes the whole thing is a fake scam by all the major governments in the world, like I said if all these people think it's fake then they should waive all treatment.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
The relative is my aunt, she spouts every conspiracy theory ever been uttered it's not helping or constructive, she believes the whole thing is a fake scam by all the major governments in the world, like I said if all these people think it's fake then they should waive all treatment.

Blimey, so she's not seen the very poorly people in hospital ? She shouldn't be seeing your mum with COPD. We can't go near MIL as she has a long list.


East Sussex
Blimey, so she's not seen the very poorly people in hospital ? She shouldn't be seeing your mum with COPD. We can't go near MIL as she has a long list.

She hasn't been diagnosed yet but she is under investigation for it, she has smoked since 11 so chances are she has it.

My aunt basically has said the NHS staff who agree with Covid are paid actors she really has gone off the deep end, and visits my mother as she doesn't believe in the virus, when she told my mother to stop taking meds I asked my aunt when she had passed her exams to be a GP, a flippant comment sure but it had a point to it.

People can believe what they want, it's when they put others at risk that I have issues with.

The other thing to please bear in mind, we have seen super market delivery slots getting rare again, please plan in advance if you like to get you weekly shop delivered.

Also on the cat food, check Amazon they have a good selection.

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
Matt Hancock telling fibs on Thsi Morning - early Nursing Home deaths because of asymptomatic cases - no, you were sending positive patients, and those without tests, back into care homes.
My opinion - they were expecting apocalyptic levels of cases hence the building of emergency hospitals and the clearing of the decks in existing hospitals. Again, my opinion only, the elderly and infirm were seen as not worth saving in the grim triage of a pandemic. This wasn't a political decision per se, it's part of emergency planning procedures.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Live announcement now :sad:
My relative is telling my mother to stop taking her meds that are keeping her on the straight and narrow at the moment. we can address the underlying issues when things are more normal.

It's the same relative taking part in protests and breaking social distancing regulations, then visiting other relatives, for example she visits my mother who is being investigated for COPD, if these people want to meet and potentially spread the virus then please have the decency to not visit people who have serious health issues.

The relative is my aunt, she spouts every conspiracy theory ever been uttered it's not helping or constructive, she believes the whole thing is a fake scam by all the major governments in the world, like I said if all these people think it's fake then they should waive all treatment.
Unfortunately once someone goes down that particular rabbit hole it is incredibly difficult to bring them back to reality.

The best you can do is to advise your mum to cut contact with her - as a minimum, all face-to-face contact. It will hurt, but your aunt is a menace and is actively endangering those around her. Maybe facing real consequences for repeating mis/disinformation she read on facebook or from crazed opinion trollumnists will give her a wake up call before she hurts someone.

An old friend of mine's mum believed in alternative medicine and a scam product called Miracle Mineral Solution - chlorine dioxide - a form of bleach - as a panacea, years before covid and its associated conspiracy theories came about.

Some of that particular form of derangement rubbed off, with the friend outing themselves as anti-lockdown, anti-mask and anti-not-being-a-selfish-asshat which is why I am no longer in contact with anyone from that family. :cry:

I'm not surprised the bleach hoax has made a resurgeance in recent times.


Legendary Member
Some of my relatives went to the protests over the weekend in London, I have had particular issues with one as they're a staunch anti vaxer, who keeps telling my mother with mental health issues to stop taking her depression and anxity meds.

When they start saying about vaccines being full of trackers it makes me see red, they can't see the irony of using an smart device, or even google if you believe in such things.

I told my relative so it's a false virus to inject us with a false vaccine? when they reply was yes I said if this was the plan why so long and convoluted just put the trackers in the drinking water! I also said if all the people in London protesting think the virus is fake, then please waive all rights for treatment if they contract it.

I was reading about a nurse who had exactly the same opinions She has been struck off the nursing register

Has quite a following apparently.of which I am not one .Does she not realise Corona Virus is noon hoax or a government plot to control are minds.I suppose in her opinion the deaths are all propaganda


Legendary Member
My daughter got a COVID test today. Over the weekend she got a sore throat, high temperature and is now coughing a lot. Almost certainly just a cold picked up from a couple of weeks back at school - every new term there is some cold/flu doing the rounds, especially after so long on holiday.

School won't let her back in for at least 2 weeks unless she has a COVID test which is negative.

So, I tried to book online. All busy. There is a walk-in centre close to me, but rumour has it that it isn't walk in but needs an appointment. Since the website simply isn't responding by now, I phone 119. Go through a forest of menu options. Talk to a human. Ask if the local COVID centre allows walk in or appointment only. She says she isn't allowed to say. That I need to book online. I say that the website says it is "busy" and to contact 119, which is where I am now. I ask her if she is familiar with the works of Franz Kafka.

We go to the centre anyway. No walk-ins allowed. We explain the situation. We stand around hopefully. We get let in because the system is farked and they feel sorry for us. Virtually no-one is using it. We do the test and leave hearing a couple of other people recounting similar stories to us.

One thing I did learn was that you could book an appointment anywhere in the UK and turn up at your local test centre. As long as you have the mystical QR code in your possession then all is good. A friend confirmed this - she booked up for Aberdeen (we are in London) and just rocked up to her local centre. No problems.

So there we have it. A system utterly farked. Apparently testing demand has shot through the roof since it transpired there was a shortage of tests - the bog roll crisis except with test-tubes and swabs. And, of course, with schools going back all viruses are back in circulation. Apparently there are many children off school from my daughters class all with similar symptons. And all trying to get COVID tested. I mean, it hardly takes Nostradamus to work out that millions of children going back to school may end up with a lot of suspected symptoms does it?
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