Grand Old Lady
Yes, but at a high cost. Malaysia has been in it longer than we have. They never really had a spike at all. They have around 130 deaths. They never gambled with thousands of lives, and Sweden MAY have hit herd immunity, but predictably is likely to gamble with thousands of more lives i suppose. Meaningless statistics when you don't know the people...Because Sweden is in all probability, now at the tail end of it's pandemic, and is unlikely to see any further major waves of disease. They will have a far higher immunity rate than those countries that tried to keep the infected numbers as low as possible. All the countries that are cited to have been "successful" have achieved is to kick the can down the road and delay the inevitable. Their populations are still highly vulnerable to a tidal wave of infection. The countries that took only some, but not extreme measures to keep the numbers down are now faring better because the virus simply cannot transmit effectively once a substantial proportion of the population have already had it. If you take the USA for example, with nearly 7 million officially recorded cases, that will be a gross undercount of the real numbers. Quite possibly the true infection rate could have been 20 times higher, in which case you might now have 130 million immune citizens out of a 330 million population.
Oh and here, This fella in his early 30's was a victim of the virus. Early 30's. He worked with my mate... I know the Daily Mail are hitting this hard about it only killing people who are already on their death beds, but that isn't the full story, predictably...
We have been shown there is another way that keeps people alive and keeps the economy largely open. But of course, lets just carry on with Matt Hancock and Dido Harding's pathetic excuses...