Yep yesterday was the highest since June. All this is at a time when viral load is low due to the measures in place and lot of luck. The more people that start seeing every thing is normal now. It's not going to stay down with no plan to really push to get cases to as close to zero as we can we. It's not looking great for winter. Been a lot of talk of upping the number of flu jab's but not much else the logistics are massive anyway. Add in having to work round covid and finding enough people to do them. It's not looking good on that front either.
In other new's the government has said the Saint Leger can have spectators attend all three days. Be it limited numbers but still over 22,000 over 4 days. Trun's out it was news to the council
Other sports can have fans too in turns out.
Whitty has made it clear more than once we are already at the safe limit but what's he know? At least Dido is now in charge of public health now so what can possibly go wrong ?