Since a week or so, I saw here and there a new word popping up: "twindemic".
One of the original articles referenced is this one:
It is about influenza ("common flu") and corona family types virii simultaneously popping up, as in two pandemics, hence "twindemic".
Now I don't get a couple things:
1) why would they now be scared for an influenza spreading? If influenza would be able to spread under the current block conditions forced by government, then corona would smash through these alike a tank.
So, IF there would indeed come an (additional) influenza/flu epidemy, doesn't that prove those corona blocking measures as having made little to no difference on spreading of corona, upto plain ridiculous?
In detail: unless there is already total herd immunity for corona, then the R (reproduction factor) for all corona infected groups/clusters should be higher than for influenza (again - unless corona has finished). So every blocking measure that makes it harder for corona, should totally block influenza spreading.
So if influenza would still be able to propagate, then corona should propagate alike an express train, and the measures against corona would prove themselves as ridiculous and useless (what of course is well possible)
2) corona is a single stranded positive sense (= polarity of coding/decoding) RNA type virus, influenza is negative sense. That means that they cannot use eachothers production machineries so combining impossible or at least very hard (= if any, slower reproduction due to the extra coding required)
So how can they fear a "twindemic"?