Some bloke that likes cycling alone
Am in Hong Kong. I can share a few pointers on what to do.
First, I've seen R0 transmission rate models that of between 2.2 and 2.6. This is the number of people each infected person in turn infects. Note the models seem well researched but also the more drastic models are the ones that are more likely to be shared so I may not have seen other lighter models. Based on R0 of 2.5 one should expect between 60% and 90% of the world's population to be infected at some point.
In Hong Kong we've gone into full SARS mode. People here know the drill. The measures people are taking were the ones implemented to get SARS rate down below R0=1. So, all public events are being cancelled. Everyone is wearing a surgical mask out of home (although technically only infectious people wear need wear one, and technically you could get arrested for it as a protestor). Wash your hands every 30 minutes or so with alcohol sanitiser or soap and water.
My suggestions - be prepared for when this reaches Europe. Right now the one thing you should do is stock up on hand sanitiser.
Once it starts getting into Europe start stocking up on face masks. Then stock up on household essentials such as tinned food. Get into the habit of washing your hands frequently and wash thoroughly for at least 20 seconds each time. Get some surgical face masks if you can - this won't necessarily help you but will reduce you passing it on to others.
Be prepared also for lockdowns similar to Foot & Mouth. This will include cancellation of large public events such as RideLondon, marathons etc.
Thanks for the insight. I wonder at that number of cases in the UK will start the mass buying of cleaning products and long life food. Most of the people I know dont really have any concerns at all. Just how serious do you need to be about cleaning? For example whilst washing your hands do you then need to also clean the handle in soap or alcohol based sanitiser?