Coronavirus outbreak

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68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!

I think he is doing ok and most people I have spoken too think the same tbh.
Yeah, a lot of people are clearly easily impressed. Exactly how much of a medical expert do you need to be to realise that washing your hands before shaking the hands of people with a infectious disease is not an effective strategy?
Or watching the events unfold in Italy - and act to slowly (despite numerous warnings) to prevent a replica here.
We will be up to 1200 a day in just over a week


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
I will reserve judgement until the outbreak is over. If the total of fatalities is greater than Italy he will not be judged kindly by history.
We should not use what appears to be the worst case scenario as our reference. Italy especially was rather taken by surprise, the UK does not have that excuse. We should look at all similarly developed Western European countries, maybe even excluding Italy.


Hello decadence
Hot hubs are being widely discussed by the medical profession - they are a sort of halfway house between general practice and A&E for people with Covid symptoms.

The Prof who is a great Twitter user sought to get an online debate about their merits by using the hashtag #hothubs

Unfortunately it was already in use and she has been inundated with messages from women sending pictures of their muscle bound husbands.............moral of the story, choose your hashtag carefully.


Swinging Member
West London
260 deaths in uk just announced. Now over 1,000 total, 34% rise.

Very bad news, and further emphasises the wrong strategy was followed and we failed to act on the warning from Italy.


+1. Imho the blame for the appalling strategy should also rest on the shoulders of the CMO and CSA, and with the majority of voters happy to trust a bunch of morons who tell them unicorns exist and us Brits are exceptional, what could possibly go wrong?

Today's figures also show the number of people tested has fallen, to 6999 from 8911 the previous day, while % positive increased to 36% from 32%. What happened to the 10,000 test kits at day as promised?


Resting in suspended Animation
Today's figures also show the number of people tested has fallen, to 6999 from 8911 the previous day, while % positive increased to 36% from 32%. What happened to the 10,000 test kits at day as promised?

We're now a day or two behind Italy in testing, arguably. Having had that lead on testing totally evapourate before our eyes.

Italy had started doing about 13,000 tests a day which fluctuated, going downwards sometimes but generally an upward trend, when they were on the day 196 new deaths a day and 827 deaths in total was announced. This 'spare change' number of tests, the difference between the two countries would make a real difference to workers.

The only light at the end of the tunnel is if the stuff Valance says about mobile PCR or kits is true. Or more likely if antibody tests start to mean less fumbling around in the dark. The antibody one is particularly annoying because it will clear bits of the population and they won't test positive for having had the virus if this faffing keeps on going. You could have key workers having had the virus and have immunity and for the next six months they'll be constantly watching themselves not knowing as they had the antibody test too late (after around 33-35 days of being infected).
The director of the NHS England (i think that was his title) just said that if the UK has fewer than 20,000 deaths we will have done very well.
I mean, that's on the same order of magnitude that's been postulated around these parts for a while now, but to actually hear it during a press conference is sobering indeed.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Marks out of 10 for Boris so far then ?

Very kindly 5/10

We seen what was happening in Italy - and just stumbled to the same outcome 260 UK dead today. We will overtake Italy soon IMO.
I was going to pull you up on the Italy analogy and state that while the number of infected cases are growing at a similar rate and the spread in the UK continues to mirror Italy's with a 14-16 day offset, we're experiencing nowhere near the amount of deaths that Italy are.

Checking the numbers revealed how wrong I was - according to public health England we're now on 17089 confirmed cases and 1019 deaths, for an "instantaneous" mortality rate of around 6%. The closest figure from Italy (according to Wikipedia) was from the 13th (so 15 days ago) with 17660 confirmed cases and 1266 dead, for an instantaneous mortality rate of around 7%.

So we're faring a little better than the Italians, but just barely.. and they apparently implemented "lockdown" procedures (at least in part) earlier than we did. It's also worth remembering that Italy's population is far older than ours (and hence higher-risk) so in corrected terms we're on course to come out worse than Italy is.

This is an enormous, disgusting failure on the part of the British government - firstly through decades of de-funding, privatisation and marginalisation of the NHS, and secondly through the current government's shamefully slow action despite having a two-week preview of what was to come from Italy.

Boiled down to the fundamentals the measures taken by any government are, IMO, a case of citizen welfare versus the economy. You can see the different attitudes in this regard reflected around the globe; with Trump's denial and promise to get everyone back to work the most scathing example of profit over lives (along with the many US companies still forcing their employees to work), with our government's actions unfortunately not far behind.

As much of a doom-monger as I am, I really didn't expect us to be seeing death figures on a par with Italy's; despite the parallels in terms of infection numbers. I fear we all have a very bleak few months ahead of us :sad:

What people fail to grasp is whatever choices Boris makes means people will die, he has to live with that.
From his past behaviour I don't think it would be a stretch to suggest that Boris lacks the capacity to be affected by any number of deaths on his watch; other than his own perhaps.
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