Yes fair point.
It was more "carry on as normal" - then " follow these guidelines"
I'm mystified why the 20th march update wasn't done about a week earlier, as it isn't that detailed on social distancing. There is no specific london, glasgow, hampshire, hertfordshire, brighton, west midlands guidance afaik. I'll comment on this on another post, but it's just not detailed enough. Additionally there's not much guidance on within families. The deputy chief medical officer has said that where risk is about the same that children in the same family can play etc, but the written down guidance needs beefing up on that as wasn't as far as I was aware saying stay close to each other all the time. DCMO Dr Jenny Harries does not, I'm sure, mean the sorts of things I've seen the last few days of large family mixing, people travelling in cars together, little children's hands all over grandparents and kids playing with other kids. People 30cm apart from each other.
In terms of lockdown we are right there where government has to make a decision on it. We're around 12-16 days behind Italy depending on what metrics you use, who you ask and so on (London isn't

) and Italy implemented a national lockdown 13 days ago. Unfortunately the actions citizens people take today are much, much more important than in 5 days' time.
Edit: although Lombardia and other northern areas are important, the really key bits of the figures coming out of Italy are the Puglias, the Basilicatas, the Sardinias, Napoli and so on. We need to know how different things work (or aren't sadly).