last night Mrs 73 was telling me about the PPE for police and custody HCP's.
Front line officers have hand gel which get's refilled from a central point back at the cop shop.
All road side drug driving testing has stopped. The test strip has to go under your tongue. So not a good idea.
(word of warning HCP testing inc talking blood for above is still going on so) Refuse it and you get changed with offence anyway plus failure to provide.
Police are still taking DNA which is odd as that's a month swab.
A PC was talking about this with the Custody Sergeant saying it sounds at odds. So Mrs 73 gave him a facemark so he had one for latter.
Custody computers have been updated and Custody Sergeant will ask the key virus questions. If they say yes to any, a banner in red shows up across screen. Possible Coronavirus use PPE.
I asked her what have they've got. She said nothing !
As for HPC's they have the stuff
@Brompton Bruce showed. They also have what they have been told is contingency Kit.
oh ok I was thinking so what's that I said. so she told me.
3x of the following
Glasses , 3m facemask, Apron with sleeves. All in side one yellow plastic bag.
They've been told to use them only if they get a confirmed case. Even if they tested everyone on the spot the result is not instant. So how they hell do they know.

I asked if with they get used is someone going to bring some more for that shift. No came the reply.
Yesterday Mrs 73 had to see 14 people one 4 times. They have no real up-to the minute clinical history other than what's on system one. They have to rely on them being honest with what Custody Sergeant ask's them.No idea who they have been mixing with or who they have ect, ect. They have to get up close to them. They only have normal gloves , a bit of plastic and a normal mask. They have no hand gel but have soap and hot water so not a bit issue. Though last night the soap dispenser went luckily she found a bottle in the cupboard that has a built in dispenser. After that go's I don't know what happens the about of times they wash hand normally is high enough.
The number of different HCP's what see multiple people and the same ones in the same custody suit can be 2,3,4. Add in the other staff if they need assessment for mental health , or social issues ect can add another 4 to the list. Some custody suits hold up to 40 some even more.
A few are also designated for the holding of any illegal immigrants that they may pick up. Until immigration arrive to take them. So no chance of knowing a history. (i'm not saying any of that to make any other point other than explaining the risks front-line are expected to deal with)
Staff don't work the same suit every shift so move around. The other thing to add in the mix is if someone is taken to hospital due to a crash and is suspected of drink /drug driving. Is not fit to give a sample to a PC then the HCP get's sent to see the in A&E to take blood. The same ones who work in custody. They also see people at home eg every sudden child death bloods are taken from parents.
Add in the police bringing people in over a shift and the Custody Sergeant having to sit close up to all of them each shift. Then many people maybe held for only a few hours. So then get replaced by others .... and so it go's on. Then you have the custody staff who are based in the suit. Then all these people once the shift ends go's home.
If this is how police custody is having to deal with this than god help them once this arrives inside prisons.
Mrs 73 has worked in many places and has to deal with very violent people inc real hard ball prisoners. Until yesterday I never really felt over worried what she may face. Now I'm terrified. At some point she will be redeployed to more frontline they are already looking at staff skills. Then I don't know what to think.