The answer is they are performing 160,000 tests a week. we have been performing less than a quarter.
Then there is the difference in hospital facilities. "According to an article in Die Zeit from 13th March, the U.K. has 6.6 beds in ICUs per 100,000 of the population, which is fewer than in France, Italy and Spain. Germany has 29.2 beds per 100,000, the U.S. 34.7."
The reason why the WHO told the world to "Test, test, test" is explained in a comment to the article well:
"Testing is the ONLY credible reason and its simple to understand why, so suggesting that experts are "baffled" is ridiculous.
When you test widely and you make testing available to everyone who has symptoms then follow up testing on anyone whom they have contact with you achieve something very important. You catch asymptomatic carriers.
Most of spreading in such infections is done by
asymptomatic carriers. People who get the disease but its so mild they don't realize they have it. Remember the English guy who caught teh disease in singapore infected everyone in a ski resort and then came back? People like him are the real danger.
Germany is catching a lot of them by making testing widespread. In addition we might discover that a lot of the cases they have identified are actually false positives, because they have probably set their sensitive as low as possible. It makes sense to not worry about false positives. No harm done from isolating someone who doesn't have the disease for 14 days.
Any "expert" who says testing is of limiting use, needs to get a clue. Every asymptomatic carrier you identify and remove results in a disproportionate drop in the reproductive number. So widespread testing is cheap, minimally disruptive and makes a very large contribution in reducing the reproductive number. Its easy to illustrate why. Suppose you have a virus with R0 = 2.5 and then with testing alone you can drop it to 2.0. What is the effect on the growth of the infection? Lets assume we start with 1 case and look at what happens for 10 infection cycles (~20 weeks).
R0 = 2.5 -->
Cycle Infected
0 1
1 2.5
2 6.25
3 15.625
4 39.0625
5 97.65625
6 244.1406
7 610.3516
8 1525.879
9 3814.697
10 9536.743
R0 = 2.0 -->
Cycle Infected
0 1
1 2
2 4
3 8
4 16
5 32
6 64
7 128
8 256
9 512
10 1024
The difference is obviously dramatic. This is what we are seeing in germany. They are detecting a lot of cases, but they are probably detect most of what is there, while in other countries like France, Spain and the UK the cases detected are the tip of the iceberg. "
Actually according to the WHO, an infection cycle for COVID-19 is approximately 4 days. Once someone has been tested positive asymptomatic or otherwise, obviously their behaviour can and will change, leading to less risk to others. Here, nobody knows, those with symptoms were just asked to go home and transmit it to everybody else in the family, and their kids still go to school, and transmit it to other families.
There is no way to sugarcoat this - we are where we are, and the real sh*te is yet to hit the fan, because of blatant failures by the Government and their "experts" - they have been asleep at the helm, and many will die as the direct result.