I have no faith in any of the sound bites from random people at Westminster whose honesty has been brought in to question on so many topics in past months. Instead I'm placing my faith in the words of Jason Leitch, National Clinical Director who speaks clearly and confidently and is medically qualified. There is new stuff coming up all the time from BBC Scotland on it's own website and via Twitter. Here's a link from yesterday.
There is not a UK nationwide policy as this extract of a report in The Telegraph makes clear, so utterings from Westmister may not apply throughout the UK.........
"People aged over 70 face up to four months in self-isolation and the public risk being taken into custody or being given a £1,000 fine if they refuse to be tested or quarantined for
suspected coronavirus.
The emergency powers, expected to be announced this week, allow police in England and Wales to use "reasonable force" to detain people who are at risk of infecting others."