What the Government has told us don't add up. If we follow their plan hundreds of thousands if not millions will die, and I am not scaremongering.
Let us look at the chart they talked about:
View attachment 508377
I have no quarrel with the red curve. The blue in relation to the horizontal dotted "NHS Potential Surge Capacity" line is however a BIG issue, and that associated with
achieving "herd immunity" as Valance has repeatedly said. While there is no certainty herd immunity is real for COVID-19 (too early to know, unlike the common cold/flu), for a population to acquire herd immunity, the vast majority of them, like at least 60%, have to have caught it.
Regarding the "NHS Potential Surge Capacity" horizontal dotted line above, what we know, is that there are
only roughly 3700 ICU beds, typically 80% occupied. Since nobody can suddenly produce many new ICU beds with all the associated lifesaving equipment that make them ICU beds in short notice, the "Surge Capacity" must have a max / cap of c3700, assuming somehow non-Coronavirus cases will not get any ICU bed time.
Knowing the maximum number of ICU beds available lets us assess the number the system can accommodate. Assuming the flattened peak lasting 3 months, and assuming highly optimistically each serious case only requires the ICU bed for 3 days, the total number the ICUs can accommodate over the 3 month period is 90 / 3 x 3700, or 111,000 seriously ill.
However, we also know at least 5% of infected will need intensive care (actually more like 10%, given c3.4 %actually die), but let us assume it is only 5%. Then the 111,000 figure, derived essentially from peak case hitting peak NHS surge capacity for 3 months, gives the total number of infected as 111,000 / 5%, or 2.2 millions.
The logical inconsistency of the government's rhetoric then, is that 2.2 millions having caught the virus is way less than c60% of the population of c60 millions (i.e. c36 millions) that will provide any herd immunity, if the maximum possible "Surge Capacity" in the NHS weren't to be completely overwhelmed.
Consequently if the population were to acquire herd immunity over the next few months, millions will have to die, because the NHS' ICUs will be no help, overwhelmed by a factor of c15 (36 millions divided by 2.2 millions) - it will make ICUs in Italy today look like a tea party!
Perhaps the government never had any intention to let the population acquire herd immunity. Then firstly why do they say it, secondly shouldn't they then have simply done everything to minimise the number infected asap for as long as possible, till the summer (which might help), and/or further down the road when a vaccine becomes available. This is what China, Singapore, Hongkong and now Korea have shown to be possible, while limiting fatalities to a tiny fraction of that implied above. Even 1% of 36 millions is 360,000 dead, which is over 100 times more than the fatality in China with a population of 1.4 billions. Why aren't the government, the CMO and the CSA doing and saying that?
So how much time do we have to avoid a bloodbath?
The CMO/CSA are right, the number of infected in UK has to be roughly 10,000 already - this kind of figure will eventually arise even if improbably no new infection occurs from today. What follows is if no fundamental change is to occur, the corresponding figure will be c50,000 in a week's time as a result of exponential growth, which as shown above will be stretching the NHS to well beyond their limits.
What that means, is we are at the cusp of the point of no return already.
Why don't the government/CMO/CSA show us the strategy, tell us their cogent rationale, supported by forecast figures? What "science" exactly are they relying on? Do they think the rest of the world don't have brilliant scientific brains? If their plan is so clever why not share it with the rest of the world for the benefit of mankind?
It is good to see that in spite of the Government/CMO/CSA, people here are starting to vote with their feet, by implementing social distancing themselves. Let's hope it is enough to stop the bloodbath.