@Pale Rider Leave the quick (ex-miners) and the dead for a moment, are you concerned that the risks from current Variants of Concern have already
fundamentally changed, or can be reasonably predicted so to do? These risks are (I think):
a) an exponential rise in cases, insufficiently checked by control measures (see the graph I attached on my long post)
b) a consequent increase in hospitalisations which would put unsustainable pressure on the NHS (might we reasonably rely on the assumption that double vaccination of the 98% most vulnerable to serious illness will protect them?)
c) vaccine evasion significantly greater than for Variant δ VoC (evidence that evasion is higher in those who've only had one dose (medium certainty))
d) a larger pool of infected which increases the risk of a new variant emerging (Note that, compared to the continent (say), the number in UK currently infected (about 60,000 -
ONS central estimate) is negligible.)
e) a new VoC emerging which is either more transmissible, or more lethal, or one against which current vaccines are less effective. (None of the current Vui seem likely candidates in the short term.)
btw - were you re-elected as councillor?

back to you too, Rolo. The hustings: what are they like?