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- mostly Norfolk, sometimes Somerset
I've said it before and I'll say it again: "In God we trust: all others must bring data." And ideally informative data rather than random bricktext with assumptions hidden, sources not cited and steps missing from the calculations.[...] As of March 7, 2021 we [covidtracking.com 's emboldening btw] are no longer collecting new data. Let's hope the BBC manages to find another 'easy to display' source.
Who to trust, eh?
Ten points for spotting that data source expiring, but minus several thousand for trolling dyslexics yet again.
Also, I tried to check what restrictions were lifted in Texas on that date in reality (rather than politician announcements because we know from Boris that he announces stuff that doesn't actually change until days later) and got bogged down in articles about the governor's officials suing various counties like Travis County and cities like Austin for ignoring the governor's order and not lifting their earlier-imposed local restrictions.
Plus, even with the laws being reversed, there still seems to be strong public health messages to continue using masks and shoot, so it's just that people and especially businesses can't be fined for being daffodils any more, not necessarily that behaviour has changed in practice.
And finally, I don't think we know whether gov.uk is planning to keep trying to persuade people to use masks and so on (what some call Not Plugged In) after the legal free-for-all is declared, do we?
This needs more data before it becomes useful information IMO.