Herd immunity calculation
'R' Number For an infectious disease, such as COVID-19,
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is the
basic reproduction number of the disease: the average number of people an infected person goes on to infect, given that everyone in the population is susceptible to the disease with no restrictions. For COVID-19 B1.1.7 variant estimates vary:
let's go for
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NPIs (restrictions on behaviour etc) can reduce the 'R' - so for any time and dominant variant R = R
t. NB This R
t (as I shall use it) does not account for the number of people who are no longer susceptible to the disease: that's accounted for by the other calculations qv.
Only a proportion of 1-1/R
t of the population need to be immune to achieve herd immunity.
Effectiveness If a vaccine has an effectiveness of
x%, then this means that
x% of people who receive it are immune: not susceptible to the disease.
But let's take care to be clear what we mean by effectiveness.
#1) Immune so the virus does not cause illness: of course this means the subject does not transmit virus.
#2) Immune from serious illness. Catches C19 but asymptomatic or slight illness but the subject CAN transmit virus (transmissability will vary with subject, and this matters - I've treated it as factored into the 80% figure below).
Aiui the quoted efficacy figures from the RCT (Ph3) trials were for #2: Pfizer 94% and 70% for Ox-Az. Since these trials far more data are available and aiui effectiveness averages 89% (#2 version).
For herd immunity considerations, the severity of the illness 'doesn't matter'. So (leap of faith) let's assume for 'type #1 immunity' (which takes those people out of the transmission chain)
x = 80% effectiveness. 20% of those vaccinated can still catch C19 and if they do they will be able to transmit the virus (assumed still at R
t). Note that effectiveness will be less until 7 days after the second dose, but I'm ignoring that for now - by mid-summer 32M will have had their second dose.
To achieve herd immunity we therefore require that
P% (the proportion) of people who are vaccinated times the effectiveness (x%) is at least 1-1/R
t of the population. In other words,
Rt = 2.5 (slight restrictions) gives
P needs to be greater than 0.6/x
For a vaccine that is 80% effective (#1) with no restrictions we therefore need to vaccinate (first dose)
at least 73% of the population (50M) to achieve herd immunity (see Note below).
I estimate we will achieve that (4M a week) by 21 June.
Recall at its maximum in UK since May, Rt was at
1.6 on 2 Oct (90% confidence, upper bound) - this was a time when a few areas were in Tier 3, but for most, restrictions were 'light'. We might assume that by July the restrictions will be lighter still.
If we used R
t = 2 then the numbers needed to be vaccinated for herd immunity is 42M (63%).
Note: There is uncertainty about several (all?) of the figures I've chosen above, but to make some sense I have tried to choose 'reasonable ones'. Choosing Rt = 2.5 is certainly pessimistic but allows for a more transmissible dominant variant. Choosing 80% effectiveness is optimistic (but as the data come in we'll be able to narrow the uncertainty on that).
Conclusion: With these figures, to get to herd immunity in the summer we may need to retain some restrictions or R
t will push the herd immunity percentage up to a figure we (UK) can't reach.
@matticus - think you need to review your use of the expression "exponential", let alone "pretty".