Curiosity - check
?Wrong?" - and what happens if this illness is NOT C-19?
Please link to a useful guideline,
@Julia9054 for "how long they may be feeling crap for" if:
a. It's C-19
b. It's not
If someone's ill, how will a +ve test inform:
a. "Calling in sick to work" (just say you're sick if you're not well enough and you think it might be infectious; if you want to say it's C-19, say it's C-19: don't need a test to confirm - who's checking?) Thresholds for this decision will vary depending on occupation.
b. If intending to "visit someone for whom an[y] infection would be potentially serious" then don't visit. "It's all OK, it's not C-19 Grandma!"

Tests left over - check (though choking during tonsil poking is no fun)