Corona Virus: How Are We Doing?

You have the virus

  • Yes

    Votes: 57 21.2%
  • I've been quaranteened

    Votes: 19 7.1%
  • I personally know someone who has been diagnosed

    Votes: 71 26.4%
  • Clear as far as I know

    Votes: 150 55.8%

  • Total voters
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De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Just been for a trip to the OOH GP with the baby, which was a bit weird. They do most of the consultation over the phone and only tell you to come in if they're sure you need to be seen. When you turn up there's a mobile number on the door to call so they know you're there, then they call you back when it's OK to come in. They've cordoned off a little corridor with chairs which funnels you to the consulting room, where you wash your hands and put on a mask, then the Dr comes in wearing mask, visor and gown. Now I've got a prescription to pick up so there'll be a similar rigmarole at the pharmacy...

Ever tried to get a protective mask on a one year old?


Legendary Member
Is it true that some John Lewis staff are being transferred to Waitrose to help out?
Yes, from the email I received earlier (and my brother who works in JL HO said the same earlier in the week)

Our shop Partners will be joining their colleagues at Waitrose, as we play our part to help feed the nation during this time. Our Waitrose shops have introduced special opening hours and have announced a £1million Community support fund which will be used to help the most isolated and vulnerable members of our communities.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Aldi back to normal supplies in Westerhope and everyone's being sensible... including Rhubarb and Custard Hot Cross Buns.

Got a 10 hour shift in Aldi tomorrow. This last week's been quite challenging to say the least, and Sundays aren't sensible in normal times; the shop is 'normally' rammed from 10am 'til 4pm... I'll just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings, and next week too. Part of me hopes things aren't back to normal as we've taken on a stack of new staff; all very recently laid off from their usual jobs and probably feeling relieved that they've got an income again. It'd be a shame if their temporary jobs only last a week or two... especially if their usual jobs aren't coming back anytime soon.


Legendary Member
Meanwhile the Daily Fail is doing its best to spread Covid 19 by encouraging their readers to jump in their cars and drive to the remotest parts of the UK mainland and islands which are apparently ideal spots to self isolate. They're showing a complete disregard for the safety of the local populace in these places and also the 'don't travel unneccessarily' messages from government:sad::sad:.
I will not post the Daily Fail link, don't want to encourage them.


Meanwhile the Daily Fail is doing its best to spread Covid 19 by encouraging their readers to jump in their cars and drive to the remotest parts of the UK mainland and islands which are apparently ideal spots to self isolate. They're showing a complete disregard for the safety of the local populace in these places and also the 'don't travel unneccessarily' messages from government:sad::sad:.
I will not post the Daily Fail link, don't want to encourage them.
Heard about people wanting to drive up to the highlands. Selfish knobbers they are.


Legendary Member
Heard about people wanting to drive up to the highlands. Selfish knobbers they are.
I've just heard that one north highland caravan site opened on schedule yesterday, no mention of any Covid 19 on the site website:angry:.
Looking at the Caravan Club website again no significant mention of Covid-19:sad:
Strongly worded but polite message sent to CC HQ:smile:.
Last edited:


I've just heard that one north highland caravan site opened on schedule yesterday, no mention of any Covid 19 on the site website:angry:.
Looking at the Caravan Club website again no significant mention of Covid-19:sad:
Strongly worded but polite message sent to CC HQ:smile:.
Also people are offering £100 less for accommodation for example log cabin in the woods with hot tub and the owners are saying yes to fill spaces last minute. Everyone is out for what they can get.
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