MIL now has Covid.
Not good given she is extremely clinically vulnerable. She was rushed into hospital two weeks ago with suspected pneumonia and put on antibiotics, but she's not done the course as she was getting 'constipated' so SIL said stop taking them. (Constipated or potentially snuffing it with pneumonia - not really a choice.
FFS - SIL is really stupid sometimes - you must finish anti-biotics. So, lung issues not cleared up and was raspy yesterday when same SIL visited, MIL tested positive this morning. Same SIL also has a clinically vulnerable husband whose ticker is knackered - she'll be pooping herself now !
Ballcocks. Fingers crossed MIL won't get too ill, but she's already got an infection, on top of having knackered heart, fluid on lungs and now add Covid on top.
As usual, this all happens just as we're about to have two weeks off work - every flaming time ! - At least we're only 90 minutes away in the caravan, if things do get worse.
I really do wish SIL wound't interfere with medicines - she has previous with FIL on his pain meds in end of life care. Oh you don't need that morphine - yes he flipping does he's dying.