Reckon I might just be able to make it before 10.30 though.
Saturday morning, wake up, get showered, dressed, breakfast, brush teeth, get to shopping centre,
do all your shopping and be away and on the way home by 10.30? And that be your only opportunity in the whole week?
As I said before, it's bullshit lip service. Dim the lights and switch the music off in that first hour of Saturday morning when no bastard wants to do their shopping anyway and you can claim that you're all autism friendly by making seriously minimal farking effort to change anything about your shop that might make it less of an overwhelming and hyperstimulating experience for the other 53 1/2 shopping hours in the week.
But... do you even get an hour? According to the website, this shopping centre doesn't even open til 10.
So you want a load of confused and potentially very anxious autistics standing around from 9.30 on a Saturday morning who are then expected to
do all their shopping and be out of there and on the way home within half an hour? You're forcing an autistic person to make a choice about what clothes to buy in a state of anxiety and under considerable time pressure? They will more than likely leave with nothing, or the wrong thing, and hate the entire experience.
Just make the shops less farking awful in the first place.