How fast and how far does it need to drop for the measures to be considered as working OK and then suitable for relaxation? You may be right but I’d prefer that we keep the pressure on until there’s a long term dip in the figures and significant vaccine deployment.
I recognise that is easy for me to say as I have a secure job that can be partly done remotely, a home office in which to work, and no school age kids. I have great sympathy with those in different circumstances.
I can't really answer your question tbh.
I think the moot point is that the graphs displayed either give you hope or reason for dismay.
With all the other graphs displayed on the same slide heading north it was heartening to see the two areas first affected by new variant heading south.
That, and the very rapid achievement of +1 million 'jabs', gave me some hope that we are making some progress towards happier times.
It must be a hard call to make when trends are heading down but precautionary measure are being ramped up as per these two areas. The same happened in Liverpool when some parts were flattening in terms of infection rates following T3 implementation but were then shifted into T4 along with their somewhat behind the curve neighbours.
If the trend continues downwards in London and the SE maybe that's where we can look to see where the likely endpoint of full lockdown will be as they could well be the first to be released for want of a better term?