Tough but right decision made just now, we are self isolating.
I've had a cough and head cold and occasional sneezing for maybe a month now so coughing is making people nervous I should think. Temps are normalish.
My sons just informed us his wife suddenly developed a sharp dry cough and temperature...not terrible but nevertheless...
Shes been sent home immediately.
As soon as my wife, who works in a SEN school told her employers....sent home immediately as we have close and regular contact with them and the grandkids.
My company (food production) has given specific advice and is supportive so rang my boss, book me off for 2 weeks holiday I suggested. His reply... No, take 2 weeks off, I will talk to HR, you are salaried, let them sort it.
I'm not a sicknote, even when I had TB, pneumonia and pleurisy, I only actually had one day off sick then a few days off when I got hives because I was so run down (I did have a week off when I started the TB treatment as well) I generally only call In sick for 1 or 2 days a year.
So calling in now when realistically, someone close has a sore threat, not coronavirus, goes against everything I always did...but morally, it's the right thing to do.
My manager Informed me at the same time...a former colleague at our sister site has just done the same. No questions asked, it's the right thing to do.