Corona Virus: How Are We Doing?

You have the virus

  • Yes

    Votes: 57 21.2%
  • I've been quaranteened

    Votes: 19 7.1%
  • I personally know someone who has been diagnosed

    Votes: 71 26.4%
  • Clear as far as I know

    Votes: 150 55.8%

  • Total voters
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self serving virtue signaller
Had to cancel a night away at friends we've not seen for a year 'cos we're in tier 2 now.

Youngest son's whole year group home from school today while they decide with PHE how many will have to self isolate following positive case(s) yesterday.

Badminton club was to restart next week, now Badminton England waiting govt "clarification" for tier 2 (tier one can go ahead, tier 3 not). I'm pretty sure it will not go ahead.

Middle son bored witless after uni place deferred following A level fiasco and has signed up for Covid drug trial for something to do.

Talked to my 80yo parents about Christmas yesterday, who live a 2-3 hr drive away. Maybe turkey sandwiches somewhere between us in a park?

All first world problems, of course, but still not great.

The current rate of infection is just too high to sustain social and economic life I think - the number of teachers, children, health care, social care staff, fire fighters etc ending up in isolation is just not sustainable. Something must give - we simply have to get case numbers going down, not up, or face an absolutely grim winter of death and disruption.


self serving virtue signaller
Hmm, a new development: our town has declared face masks mandatory on the main shopping streets (as well as public transport and shops/public offices et c).

Even though Germany as a whole has lower infection rates than many other countries the local rate is a bit higher than average.

I'm desperately hoping Germany can get this 2nd wave under control. To date, you've been a beacon of hope for how a large, developed, interconnected country can keep on top of things.

Right now, from raw figures, you look to be on the same trajectory as UK, just a month behind, as we have been behind France.

The very best of luck.

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self serving virtue signaller
Is it me or do we have a series of local lockdowns - where almost everything is open and then much head scratching as the cases surge upwards.

Most of these lockdowns aren't really lockdowns at all.

The difference between the "tiers of the clown" doesn't seem that much. The Govts own advisors don't think they will work. Tier three seems to be a way to make much more sweeping restrictions legal, rather than a restriction in itself.

More of the issue seems to be people flouting current restrictions. The only potential real benefit is that imposing them scares the bejesus out of the populace so we comply better.

Basically the govt bottled it. Again.
The difference between the "tiers of the clown" doesn't seem that much. The Govts own advisors don't think they will work. Tier three seems to be a way to make much more sweeping restrictions legal, rather than a restriction in itself.

More of the issue seems to be people flouting current restrictions. The only potential real benefit is that imposing them scares the bejesus out of the populace so we comply better.

Basically the govt bottled it. Again.

Regional lockdowns might work if most of the country was low or covid free.

As it is it's pretty much rampant all over the UK - so working on degrees of how rapid it's spreading is a pointless excercise.

None of the measures will stop a tier 1 progressing to tier 2 and then 3 .

So in a couple of weeks the whole country will be tier 3 - and the tier 3 measures might not slow it.


self serving virtue signaller
None of the measures will stop a tier 1 progressing to tier 2 and then 3 .

So in a couple of weeks the whole country will be tier 3 - and the tier 3 measures might not slow it.

Nail on the head.


Which is probably why, we have week or so of feverish discussion about what new restrictions Boris is going to bring in, the as soon as he does the agenda moves straight onto what new restrictions Boris is going to bring in..... So we had rules of 6 and then straight after discussion about new tiers or a circuit breaker - and then as soon as the tiers are introduced we are discussing if we will have a circuit breaker. A few weeks ago I predicted a lock down on the 20th November - I think that's still looking the likely date. It may be termed a circuit breaker but once introduced we will stay more or less locked down.
The constant dithering then a 'new' change that doesn't mean much difference has created confusion and lethargy unfortunately.

Locally we've gone from 'no visitors at all' since July to 'not inside' tier 2 yesterday. That level of change is daft and will make not a ha'penny difference.

A lot of bluster - but only Liverpool has seen a significant change.

What is the difference between tier 1 & 2 ? .......virtually nothing.

In practice tier 1 & 2 are the same.
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We are going into tier 2 Saturday. My kids won't be able to meet friends in each other's houses although they obviously can meet all day indoors at school college.


There's been a case at the high school our daughters go to. The school said all close contacts have been told to stay home for two weeks, everyone else to go on as normal.
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