Corona Virus: How Are We Doing?

You have the virus

  • Yes

    Votes: 57 21.2%
  • I've been quaranteened

    Votes: 19 7.1%
  • I personally know someone who has been diagnosed

    Votes: 71 26.4%
  • Clear as far as I know

    Votes: 150 55.8%

  • Total voters
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... now that you're back in the classroom, presumably?
Based on aboves Archie_tect 's post #2527 - a general question I want to ask everybody here.
Taking for true the next premises:

1) the governments anti SARS-CoV2 virus spreading laws (to force upon people certain behaviours) work, thus decrease the spreading

2) that the Corona family type SARS-CoV2 virus is more dangerous than the Influenza family types and that this justifies 1)

The next question: if the obeyed laws DO work to stop the spread of SARS-CoV2 and the eventual outcome CoVid-19 desease, how on Earth would the obeyed laws NOT stop the less-spreading common cold or seasonal flu?
Or put in other words: if people DO get a cold now, or a "common" flu, wouldn't that prove a general failure of the laws to limit/stop SARS-CoV2?
Or put along an analogy: if a wall is not able to stop a motorcycle, how would it stop a truck?

That's a compelling argument for permanent lockdown. We'll all be healthier....won't we?


Resolutely on topic
The next question: if the obeyed laws DO work to stop the spread of SARS-CoV2 and the eventual outcome CoVid-19 desease, how on Earth would the obeyed laws NOT stop the less-spreading common cold or seasonal flu?
I read a while ago that, in the UK at least, flu and similar causes of death are lower than in "normal" years. This has reduced the excess deaths figure from where it might have been. I'll try to find a link to the source.
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Yes it is

They do (though obvs not infallible). I realise I am a data set of one but I have not had a cold since the end of January. As a teacher, that is unheard of.
I’m not expecting my record to last
Datapoint three reporting.
Schools/kindergartens went back after summer three weeks ago. Nasty cold with cough and fever picked up by all the family. I was tested in week one and week two. Negative. Assume that whole family have same non-Covid bug. We all go back and then youngest is sent home as there is a suspected case in her cohort/bubble at the kindergarten. Awaiting test result.

There's going to be a winter of this, it seems.
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Yes, I am suspecting nursery/kindergartens/schools will play it very safe and send children home with a cough that isn’t Covid and ask them to stay away for two weeks until it is gone. Going to have an interesting impact on parents having to work from home and look after the child as winter colds and flu pick up.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
As soon as school went back our family all picked up a cold, so isolation, testing and time off work and school for us.



Are schools then sending kids home with a cold. It's going to be crazy.
They are only supposed to send back children with persistent cough or temperature, runny nose or sneezing are not considered reasons for sending home according to the flow chart our children schools sent.


Resting in suspended Animation
Track and trace at the pub yesterday used a tombola machine! A farce. No logging of time. No logging of table or indoor outdoors. If anyone gets the virus track and trace are going to have fun with that. I suspect everyone - hundreds of visitors in a long day will get told to isolate. The the pub and track and trace are both responsible.

A shame as that's the only pub I'll visit, you can be about 8 metres away from anyone else and I was apart from the one other person I went with.
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Straddle the line, discord and rhyme

Are schools then sending kids home with a cold. It's going to be crazy.
I don't know, my wife and I had to be isolated and get tested because sore throat is on the list of symptoms at the NHS trust where we work. If we didn't work for the NHS we wouldn't have been tested. So do we send the kids to school or not? We and they don't have symptoms according to national and school advice, but we are being tested. It's not really clear.
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