Corona Virus: How Are We Doing?

You have the virus

  • Yes

    Votes: 57 21.2%
  • I've been quaranteened

    Votes: 19 7.1%
  • I personally know someone who has been diagnosed

    Votes: 71 26.4%
  • Clear as far as I know

    Votes: 150 55.8%

  • Total voters
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Über Member
So, five members have had the virus. It would be nice to hear their experiences and if they have fully recovered yet.

I am a 54 year old male and one of the members who had Covid 19 and have recovered. I caught it through an act of kindness.

A neighbour of mine who is a pensioner collapsed in our local supermarket back in April, he was taken to Sandwell Hospital where he had tests and they discovered he had an irregular heart beat, a few days later he was transfered to City Hospital where he had a pacemaker fitted, he was then sent home a few of days later. A week after returning home he rang me to say he had caught a taxi to his local Tesco Express to get some groceries, he returned to his flat and went to put the key in the door when he prompltly blacked out and fell backwards through the hedge and landed on his back with a huge thump. I suggested to him he needed to contact the hospital and in the mean time I should have the spare key to his flat incase he collapsed in the flat and could not get to the phone. He agreed to this and I collected the key from him at his front door keeping contact as minimal as possible.

The next day, 13/05, I decided to ring him in the morning. There was no answer, so I decided to go to his front door and ring his bell, once again there was no answer, I let myself in with the spare key and found him conscious but lying on his back in the living room. I promptly rang the paramedics who came very quickly and took him back to Sandwell A&E. At no point did I think to wear a mask or gloves, which I scrupulously had done up to this point.

Three days later I rang Sandwell and asked to speak to my neighbour. The sister came onto the phone and told me that he had fractured his neck in the fall and that I probably saved his life, she then went on to say that they had tested him as a matter of course for Covid 19 and that he was positive. I said he did not mention any symptoms to me and she said it appeared he was asymptomatic and that I needed to self isolate
I told my partner who informed work and had to self isolate as well. On Sunday 17th May I started to get a dry cough, on the Monday I woke up with awful aches in my hips and knees and a temperature of 37.6, this lasted for a couple of days before subsiding. On the Wednesday I lost my sense of taste and smell and started to feel mildly breathless with a sore throat, this continued until Tuesday 26th, when my breathing improved and my sore throat disappeared, I had a mild cough still.

On the Thursday 28th, I did an incredibly dumb thing, I love running and decided to go for a run. Instead of going for a quick run around the block, muggins went for a 50 minute run. I actually felt fine until the following morning when the aches came back and my temperature went up again to 37.6. Luckily everything settled after a couple of days. I regained my taste and smell after a couple of weeks and it took another week for the cough to completely go.

I am running and cycling again after a two week rest from the first attempt and now feel absolutely fine.

On reflection I made some stupid errors, I had masks and disposable gloves in my flat, I should have worn them when I entered my neighbours premises, I should not have assumed he was infection free, especially as he had not long come out of hospital. I did not pay enough respect to how virilent this virus is, going for a run 12 days after initial symptoms probably compromised my immune system and allowed the virus a foothold for another couple of days.

Luckily I am not overweight, as it appears to increase ones chances of a more severe outcome and I do not have any underlying health issues. Neverless I feel very fortunate to have come out of this unscathed, it could so easily have turned out differently.

Do not underestimate this virus it is nothing like the flu and do not assume others are infection free, you simply do not know. Wear a mask and social distance and regularly wash your hands.


7% of the UK population have been infected according to a large and staticially rigorous study by the Office of National statistics.

New infections each week a lot lower than 1% and total having it a lot lower than 1%.

I must be thick, honestly, I'm not being combative (there's enough of that on this forum of late as it is :laugh:).
But this ONS piece talks about rates more like 0.27% in May, where are you getting 7% from? If 7% was true, there would have been around 4.5 million infections across the UK.


I must be thick, honestly, I'm not being combative (there's enough of that on this forum of late as it is :laugh:).
But this ONS piece talks about rates more like 0.27% in May, where are you getting 7% from? If 7% was true, there would have been around 4.5 million infections across the UK.

The 0.27% is how many had active covid at that point
The survey here

says 6.8% had antibodies- ie have had the infection


Aha! Thanks! Amazing, I still don't know any family, friends or workmates who have had (knowingly).
We're going to carry on as if the lockdown was still in place until Christmas probably. I do like a pint in a pub, but that can wait, I just hope there are pubs to go back to when we're ready.


Here in Manchester it seems like it's back to normal. No staff on the door at Asda now so no limit to numbers. Hand gel and wipes for trolleys available but everybody ignoring safe distancing and the one way system. Car parks at the retail parks all packed and traffic back to normal - which is a shame as I was enjoying the empty streets on my bike.

I live near a care home and the number of ambulances turning up there, and the undertaker vans, is quite sobering. It might not all be covid related but it does make you think. Other than grocery shopping, I won't be rushing out to the shops anytime soon.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I've moaned about them before and i'm going to do it again! The teaching unions are at it again,telling the government,teachers,parents and pupils that it's not safe to go back,not even in September! Nice isn't it when they're well funded by the taxpayer,so why would they want to go back when they're getting 100% of their wages for doing bugger all! IF the schools do reopen in September we'll have had nearly 6 months of this! Are teachers keeping out of supermarkets or not going on holiday to avoid C19? No they are not,so why can't they get back to doing what they are well paid to do and that's teach. The police must be sick of it, as these brats being off is leading to increased yobbery! Not to mention the parents who're having to either find child minders for the younger children,or put up with anti-social behaviour at home off the older ones! Teachers,you've had your nice long holiday,please at least go back in September.....after another 6 weeks of taxpayer funded holidays!!:headshake:
Nice isn't it when they're well funded by the taxpayer,so why would they want to go back when they're getting 100% of their wages for doing bugger all! I
Know that for certain do you?
Teachers,you've had your nice long holiday,please at least go back in September.....after another 6 weeks of taxpayer funded holidays
Can you back that up? Or is that just another quote from the Mail?
The police must be sick of it, as these brats being off is leading to increased yobbery!
What has that got to do with the Schools please?
Not to mention the parents who're having to either find child minders for the younger children,or put up with anti-social behaviour at home off the older ones!
Schools are places to learn, not child care providers, I hope that helps.


I've moaned about them before and i'm going to do it again! The teaching unions are at it again,telling the government,teachers,parents and pupils that it's not safe to go back,not even in September! Nice isn't it when they're well funded by the taxpayer,so why would they want to go back when they're getting 100% of their wages for doing bugger all! IF the schools do reopen in September we'll have had nearly 6 months of this! Are teachers keeping out of supermarkets or not going on holiday to avoid C19? No they are not,so why can't they get back to doing what they are well paid to do and that's teach. The police must be sick of it, as these brats being off is leading to increased yobbery! Not to mention the parents who're having to either find child minders for the younger children,or put up with anti-social behaviour at home off the older ones! Teachers,you've had your nice long holiday,please at least go back in September.....after another 6 weeks of taxpayer funded holidays!!:headshake:

Oh mate.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
@Accy cyclist - most teachers have been doing significant, and in my case most evenings and weekends, unpaid additional time supporting learners remotely.

I'm at a university but my son's school has set up an MS Teams learning site for all of the pupils. It takes much longer to deliver classes / sessions online and then mark work online evenings/weekends.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
@Accy cyclist - most teachers have been doing significant, and in my case most evenings and weekends, unpaid additional time supporting learners remotely.

I'm at a university but my son's school has set up an MS Teams learning site for all of the pupils. It takes much longer to deliver classes / sessions online and then mark work online evenings/weekends.

Please don't comment with such rubbish unless you have ACTUALLY DONE THE JOB!!!!

This in spades. Accy you haven't a clue what's going on. Some schools are crap - I have a colleague whose kids go to a posh school in a posh area, and the school is doing nothing. The mainstream schools are working very hard.

If you've had your own kids, you'll know they are a germ magnet, especially from nursery age - this is where you'e got to be careful giving the virus to at risk teachers, or their family, and also other families. It will spread.

Teachers haven't had a holiday, and nor have lecturers or tutors. They are working from home in difficult conditions. It's shoot working from home for 4 months solid. Some folk are terribly worried they won't have a job unless there is a vaccine due to health conditions. It's a mess.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Accy you are retired - this trying to go back to work and stay safe is a massive worry. I can see many of my colleagues taking early retirement with this situation. Other than staying healthy and safe, retired folk haven't many more financial worries in this situation (other than investments dropping). If you are working, trying to do your job whilst exposing others in your family to risk is a worry. I've only seen my parents twice in lockdown, and that was in the last week - once in their garden, and once at the door to drop off a father's day present. We haven't seen MIL for over 4 months as she is locked down in a nursing home. I don't go near my parents, just in case I'm carrying something.
Since the lockdown the community cycle workshop I volunteer at has stopped volunteers going in. Today they phoned me and said that, as of next week, they are allowing one volunteer a day in the workshop as that can easily be managed under the 2m distancing (Wales) rules.

I am going in on Tuesdays. Looking forward to breaking the current monotony.


S W France
Ok so l live in France not England and l haven't been to the Uk for more than two years so l really have no first hand experience of the mood in the country. So l was amazed and frankly incredulous when l saw photographs of the beaches in Dorset crowded with people. My first reaction was oh yeah, photoshopped until l read the accompanying article . Can anyone explain what the hell is going on because l have a hard time trying to convince French friends that its ok if the Brits descend on the beaches here once our international borders open next month :sad:
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