Feeling a bit 'down' generally. Been very tired. Need to pop out on the bike, or may just go for a walk. I'm just seeing so much 'stupidity' with social distancing, you do think, fark it. We've been doing the staying away from people - I saw my parents for the first time last week - I was in my front garden and they were on the pavement - just handing over a birthday card - I miss going for a beer with my dad.
Not happy we can't go to our caravan, that's dragging on, and we'd be still isolated from anyone - it's not looking likely any time soon as the Welsh Government has dug it's heals in, and TBH, the Welsh are openly racist to the English as it is.- ohh, let's all riot.

I can't see the 'locals' wanting us back - I think we'll let some other unfortunate English try getting to their van's first when we are allowed to.
Looks like most of the bike parks are going to go bust at this rate - they can't socially distance on the 'up lift' services. Won't affect me as I prefer natural trails and trail centres, but for the Gravity demons, the downhill venues aren't going to survive.