Resolutely on topic
the pampered public sector
Yeah, that fits. Winkers.Daily Mail, in case anybody's wondering.
the pampered public sector
Yeah, that fits. Winkers.Daily Mail, in case anybody's wondering.
I do,but my mind keeps working overtime,analysing everything i see or read about! I suppose some would say it keeps your mind active,but as you'll know we never come to a conclusion,which just adds to the problem.
A friend of mine was telling me yesterday that she's being 'over loaded' with online projects from the school she works at as a teaching assistant. She told me the school has a manager now, who's on 40 grand a year. I didn't know that schools had managers! When i left school in 1977 it was run by a headmaster and a board of governors,or something like that. She said if it gets any worse she'll apply for supermarket jobs,when/if some come up. She'd probably be better off financially and stress free wise,as one attraction about such work is that there are three major supermarkets within 5 minutes walk of where she lives,one being less than 30 seconds walk away. Ok,i'll hold my hand up and admit that i'm out of touch with 'working life' now. I suppose i do need to get some kind of work,more for my state of mind than for financial reasons,but it'll be very difficult when this lock down ends.Many are no longer working for the public sector. But been hived off to the likes of Serco
Who many will fall into higher risk groups not just medically but for other factors which we now know are linked to higher Covid deaths
A friend of mine was telling me yesterday that she's being 'over loaded' with online projects from the school she works at as a teaching assistant. She told me the school has a manager now, who's on 40 grand a year. I didn't know that schools had managers! When i left school in 1977 it was run by a headmaster and a board of governors,or something like that. She said if it gets any worse she'll apply for supermarket jobs,when/if some come up. She'd probably be better off financially and stress free wise,as one attraction about such work is that there are three major supermarkets within 5 minutes walk of where she lives,one being less than 30 seconds walk away. Ok,i'll hold my hand up and admit that i'm out of touch with 'working life' now. I suppose i do need to get some kind of work,more for my state of mind than for financial reasons,but it'll be very difficult when this lock down ends.
Only part time though,while being paid full time.
Tempting as it may be I'd advise against using the Mail as a reliable source of news, it will only make your blood pressure rise.I do,but my mind keeps working overtime,analysing everything i see or read about! I suppose some would say it keeps your mind active,but as you'll know we never come to a conclusion,which just adds to the problem.
I'm having great difficulty processing the disillusionment felt on reading this ...Tempting as it may be I'd advise against using the Mail as a reliable source of news,
The hilariously angry reactions to that seem to be from people who have never had children, or never were one, somehow. Or just hypocrites. Mrs Gove had a dig yet had previously compared her own child to Pig-Pen from Peanuts....My daughter also sat in on that Zoom TU meeting with Bousted and she said that the comments about kids snots, while inadvisable given the lack of privacy of Zoom, were said with the sort of black humour that teachers often use between themselves when talking about kids. Of course the Mail is working hard on showing it as nasty unions using kids as pawns in their ongoing battle with the government.
I joked about it at the time, but this seems a lot more sinister this morning. I didn't think I could get more angry and upset but I can't help feel that autistic people have been used to provide some sort of exemption for people who might be able to abuse it.I'm autistic, I can go wherever I want, as often as I like, if it stops me flipping out.
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