Corona Virus: How Are We Doing?

You have the virus

  • Yes

    Votes: 57 21.2%
  • I've been quaranteened

    Votes: 19 7.1%
  • I personally know someone who has been diagnosed

    Votes: 71 26.4%
  • Clear as far as I know

    Votes: 150 55.8%

  • Total voters
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Resting in suspended Animation
I do,but my mind keeps working overtime,analysing everything i see or read about! I suppose some would say it keeps your mind active,but as you'll know we never come to a conclusion,which just adds to the problem.

I was watching way too much news. I've pretty much cut the news out and I know you have some characters that live on your road too, but I've found since cutting that out and exercising 2-3 times a day that things are better for me. I've even been doing some things I enjoy now.

I think one of the difficult aspects is living on your own but I think you've coped really well. I think it doesn't help that on-line tv that people who live on their own isn't covered so much, so there tends to be the tendency to look outwards and wonder what other people are up to.

When schools physically re-open (and the government keeping it vague so some would have expected September and then suddenly saying 1st June is going to cause a lot of anxiety) there will be all sorts of issues to sort out and massive catching up to do. That's not particularly a task I envy. For those finishing school at 16, or 18 or moving to secondary school, that's a very difficult one.

Gyms you brought up. There are differences in gyms. I think that's one of the problems of regarding things job by job or sub-sector by sub-sector. My gym said it 'wasn't a gym', clearly frustrations there was they regard the risks in their gym as lower than some others or underestimating the risk or worried about going under if it didn't reopen till October (speculated tabloid date).


Accy You do know that many of the staff that work in schools are not teachers ?
Many are no longer working for the public sector. But been hived off to the likes of Serco
Who many will fall into higher risk groups not just medically but for other factors which we now know are linked to higher Covid deaths.
Such as BAME , low pay , to date the government have not published any advise for school as to how to manage the risk to support staff. Or even what the risks are which for some will be higher than teaching staff.
No unions that represent them have yet been asked to any government meeting about the reporting of schools.
Which given the fact fact that support staff are most of the school workforce is a massive oversight. A meeting has now been set up next week days before the increase in class numbers is due to start.
Then we have academies which given my own experience are only in it for the money and really don't give a fig for students or staff. None of them have anything to do with the public sector and staff don't work for the LA once they take control of once owned public assets for free.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Many are no longer working for the public sector. But been hived off to the likes of Serco
Who many will fall into higher risk groups not just medically but for other factors which we now know are linked to higher Covid deaths
A friend of mine was telling me yesterday that she's being 'over loaded' with online projects from the school she works at as a teaching assistant. She told me the school has a manager now, who's on 40 grand a year. I didn't know that schools had managers! When i left school in 1977 it was run by a headmaster and a board of governors,or something like that. She said if it gets any worse she'll apply for supermarket jobs,when/if some come up. She'd probably be better off financially and stress free wise,as one attraction about such work is that there are three major supermarkets within 5 minutes walk of where she lives,one being less than 30 seconds walk away. Ok,i'll hold my hand up and admit that i'm out of touch with 'working life' now. I suppose i do need to get some kind of work,more for my state of mind than for financial reasons,but it'll be very difficult when this lock down ends.


A friend of mine was telling me yesterday that she's being 'over loaded' with online projects from the school she works at as a teaching assistant. She told me the school has a manager now, who's on 40 grand a year. I didn't know that schools had managers! When i left school in 1977 it was run by a headmaster and a board of governors,or something like that. She said if it gets any worse she'll apply for supermarket jobs,when/if some come up. She'd probably be better off financially and stress free wise,as one attraction about such work is that there are three major supermarkets within 5 minutes walk of where she lives,one being less than 30 seconds walk away. Ok,i'll hold my hand up and admit that i'm out of touch with 'working life' now. I suppose i do need to get some kind of work,more for my state of mind than for financial reasons,but it'll be very difficult when this lock down ends.

Many school are now ran by mangers even heads and deputy heads don't do much more then manage.
Academy chains are even worse they have CEO on pay to match many are millionaires inc one that heads up ours.
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Only part time though,while being paid full time.

Just reading a letter from the local primary school. Reception starting back 4 days a week. Smaller classes so spread through the school involving most / all staff. What do the staff do on Friday? All staff will be deep cleaning the school as well as looking after the other 6 years working remotely. They want the children back at school but also want to make sure it's safe.

My wife is paid to continue to teach students remotely. She is working a lot more hours than she is paid for.
My daughter is a teacher. She would like to get back to school to teach as soon as safely possible but she cannot go back unless her child-minder (who looks after three other kids) is allowed to start again.

I cannot help but feeling that the government's keenness to get younger kids back to school quickly is part tokenism and part to help companies get their staff back in, and only in part about the education of young kids.

My daughter also sat in on that Zoom TU meeting with Bousted and she said that the comments about kids snots, while inadvisable given the lack of privacy of Zoom, were said with the sort of black humour that teachers often use between themselves when talking about kids. Of course the Mail is working hard on showing it as nasty unions using kids as pawns in their ongoing battle with the government.


I feel like I could... TAKE ON THE WORLD!!
I do,but my mind keeps working overtime,analysing everything i see or read about! I suppose some would say it keeps your mind active,but as you'll know we never come to a conclusion,which just adds to the problem.
Tempting as it may be I'd advise against using the Mail as a reliable source of news, it will only make your blood pressure rise.


Master of the Inane Comment
Tempting as it may be I'd advise against using the Mail as a reliable source of news,
I'm having great difficulty processing the disillusionment felt on reading this ...

On an encouraging note, I happened to meet an acquaintance of mine whilst dumping garden rubbish at the tip like you do, and she claimed that there are now no cases of corona in the two villages combined together that form my local area. I hope that this is true, and that it bodes well for the virus continuing to be kept in check.

The restrictions are being lifted one after the other now, pretty quickly and hotels and guest houses are next on the list, being allowed to open from 29th May (with suitable hygiene arrangements in place).


Silencing his legs regularly
My daughter also sat in on that Zoom TU meeting with Bousted and she said that the comments about kids snots, while inadvisable given the lack of privacy of Zoom, were said with the sort of black humour that teachers often use between themselves when talking about kids. Of course the Mail is working hard on showing it as nasty unions using kids as pawns in their ongoing battle with the government.
The hilariously angry reactions to that seem to be from people who have never had children, or never were one, somehow. Or just hypocrites. Mrs Gove had a dig yet had previously compared her own child to Pig-Pen from Peanuts....
And just think of Joyce Grenfell's nursery monologue. 'George, don't…oh, you're sanitising your hands and social distancing in accordance with government recommendations. Carry on' wouldn't exactly have a ring to it.


I/we lost a family friend to covid-19 last night. A 70 year old man (in the UK) who I've known for 40 years. He was self-isolating from an early stage but called in to hospital for treatment of a non-respiratory illness and probably picked it up in connection to this. Well missed by family and friends.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
I'm autistic, I can go wherever I want, as often as I like, if it stops me flipping out.

View attachment 517509
I joked about it at the time, but this seems a lot more sinister this morning. I didn't think I could get more angry and upset but I can't help feel that autistic people have been used to provide some sort of exemption for people who might be able to abuse it.

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
Just back from the weekly walk to our local Lidl. I was the only one in the store wearing a mask - bar one guy who had his round his neck. Unless this is made mandatory, people are clearly not going to bother.


Cycled to York yesterday. A few cafes open doing takeaway. It felt like early on a Sunday morning - very pleasant. I got a smoothie and a cake and sat on the quay side. Almost a cafe stop!
Cycled back along the riverside path which was absolutely heaving. Quite stressful from an "avoiding people on my bike " point of view never mind social distancing - of which there appeared to be none. Not a mask in sight. A route to avoid in future.
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