Hey everyone, thanks for such a large volume of helpful replies. All of you are pointing towards the fit of the bike but I was sure to google that stuff before I started and sorted it out so that my knee is slightly bent when at the bottom of a revolution (using the foot to on the pedal, if that's of any relevance)?
The bike is definitely too big for me altogether, but I cannot afford to replace it, which is why I'm making do with the saddle adjustments, but still feel the pain.
ColinJ As to the question of wether I could walk 5KM without feeling pain, yes. Or atleast I may feel some slight ache in my calves after walking that distance, but it's nowhere near as severe as the pain I'm describing in this thread that I get in my thighs. It's as if walking is of pedestrian (no pun intended, lol) intensity to me, but the struggle of turning the pedals on my bike when there's anything that even remotely resembles an incline is wearing my legs out like I'm doing squats or something. It's ridiculous.
screenman On what gears I use, my bike has 3 front gears and 7 back ones, it's an off-road bike rather than a road bike, and I tend to use the 2nd front gear and 3/4th gear for most of my ride... none of it is especially hilly(as far as I'm aware), although it sure feels like it is.
I know ofcourse that poor fit can cause pain, but I just wouldnt expect it to be so sudden and after such little work since poor fit is more of a posture issue, no? So pedalling for a kilometre, even if the fit were somewhat off, shouldn't be leading to my thighs aching and cramping. Seems a bit extreme to be a fit issue, but what do I know?
Just to shed a little light on exactly why I'm concerned, I know an unfit person should and will feel the trials of their physical condition, but the amount of pedalling I have to do before I feel the pain is definitely worrying little. My main concern is that I could have some kind of circulation problem and my muscles are cramping under any kind of load that isn't just very, very low intensity. I intend to ask my doctor before anyone mentions that, it's just I felt I'd also post here.
Thanks, and sorry for my slow response, I forgot I registered and posted if I'm being honest!