Hi All
This is not a pessimistic post. I'm just trying to get a picture of what I can expect from my coming year on the bike. A bit of background:
I am 57kg, 175cm, 20. Body fat percentage around 8% (based on measuring waist). I cycled last year for 2 months relatively seriously, putting in at least 100km a week for 2 months. I was fine with the endurance, however my average speed has always remained low.
My bike is a Triban 520, weighing 10kg. I carry 2kg of luggage and 2 water bottles weighing 600g each (with water). So total bike weight is around 13.5kg once you count computers and lights e.t.c.
On a 12 mile ride across hilly terrain (last year) I could average around 14mph, give or take. I started at 10mph, but never got any faster than 14mph in the final month I was training (of my 2 months I was riding). I also did a 60 mile ride, and averaged 13mph on that, when I was in peak shape.
Now that I'm back at it again, weighing 57kg vs the 52 I used to (mostly muscle gains) I am averaging around 12mph which is not too bad considering I've been out for a year. However, the extra weight has made climbing noticeably harder. However I know the only way to gain more power is either acquiring more muscle mass, making those muscles more efficient (training) or by getting more oxygen to fuel them. The roads where I am are fairly rough by road standards, very aged and uncomfortable over long distances.
On flat ground, for around 30 minutes (I rarely get a chance to test this) I'm comfortable at 17-18mph.
I constantly see people talking about 16-20mph averages (I don't have a power or HR monitor so I have very little else to compare with). And I can't even imagine averaging that on my roads. On flat roads sure, but my roads are extremely inconsistent and people seem to think hills don't affect averages. You might be able to go faster downhill sure, but if I pedaled at the same intensity downhill as I do uphill, I'd be in a ditch! Also to add, surely it's easier to cycle at a constant power e.g. 200W for an hour rather than going 200W, 350W, 100W e.t.c depending on gradient and fluctuating all the time. After a year of training, do you think an improvement from 12-14mph (where I'm at now) to 16-18mph is possible?
Just to add as well, I'm stuck on whether I should gain some weight or not. I know weight is objectively bad on a bike, but if I was putting on weight AND increasing my power more, surely that would help. Heavier riders could probably beast me on the flat. I know hills are important but the majority of all rides are done at a gradient of under 5%, where I assume raw power is the most important thing to get a high average speed. Please do correct me if I'm wrong, I'm here to learn.
Reading off the internet, the average pro male rider is 68kg, which I am 10kg or so below. Would I benefit from eating like a pig for the next few months, and getting myself up by 10kg to give myself the ability to increase my power output? I might weigh nearly 20% more, but if I'm putting out 50% more power then who cares right? On the flat I'll be faster, and on the hills I'll have all out power to give me that boost I need.
I appreciate all advice, I research cycling a lot but want to know if anyone started from my position (10-12mph averages) and managed to get up to 16-18mph within a year or so. Thank you.