ive started using a magicshine p7

and its amazing on dark roads i used to limp along within field of vision
i am now cycling for the first time on unlit roads at daytime speed, it lights the entire road up car headlights appear yellow and dull by comparison ,
the pics and videos on youtube simply dont do these things justice , strobe is a bit fast low power setting would be absolutely fine for average riding conditions and its weatherproof i have sealed the battery inside a plastic bag though as the casing doesnt look that weathertight .
battery sits under my cross bar barely visible ,lots of cable to hide though but might look at mounting battery further back out of the way but for time being its fine and tidy looking ,
lamp is attached via an o ring i put a sleeve of old innertube under it so it wouldnt slip and its solid on the bars with a push i can dip it or raise it as needed .
build quality flawless id say has that bomb proof feel to it all metal casing strong cables strong webbing for battery case battery pack depends on this case i think as it looks shrink wrapped in plastic ,
comes in nice box instructions are a let down thank god its a torch with one button
nothing left to say except
now i want one for my helmet
ps included in pack is helmet mount and headlamp kit