Come on, own up! Are you a geek?

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Big Bren

New Member
col said:
Just curious,but what is LARP games?

Live Action Role Playing. You dress up, assume a character and participate in a kind of free form acting/storytelling/game-playing type affair. You also get to belt the shite out of people with faux weaponry, which is very therapeutic.

It's universally considered to be the pinnacle of geekiness, but I steadfastly refuse to regret my involvement - it was ace!



Someone's imaginary friend

But only because I still read Marvel and am a Grammar God.

Geek Test Results

You are 52.5% geeky.

Not bad. Maybe you spend a little too much time with your computer, but at least you have friends. You do have friends, right?

The current average score is: 31.56%

Fact: 8.41% of people who took this test wear a bum-bag on holiday.

Hmm, that's not very good is it.

Particularly considering I'm posting this as 20-past-midnight...


New Member
redcogs said:
27.5% geek - same as you Rhythm Thief.

You can't have a girlfriend simoncc - they are not cost effective and they like to watch BBC soaps.

Girlfriends not cost effective? Whenever I did a cost/benefit analysis on my girlfriends the benefits outweighed the costs. Why would anyone have one otherwise?
Geek Test Results
You are 42.5% geeky.

Sounds fair!
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