marinyork said:Oh yeah Joe24, what's the A60 like for cycling, I've got to go to Nottingham at some point and not keen at faffing around?
Joe24 said:A60 is fine. Ive been along it. There may be a better way to go though, someone i know cycled from Nottingham to Sheffield.
But yes, the A60 is a decent road to cycle on.
marinyork said:No, I know ta. I'd rather have a simple route for areas I'm not familiar with that far south rather than weird and windy with loads of junctions if you know what I mean.
marinyork said:Northern outskirts.
Think I know the one you mean and it can be very busy.Rollon said:Anyway, on the return leg on the busy fast road out of Southport and heading for the start of the cycle path that runs alongside from a large roundabout.
The driver approached full of appologies, he somehow hadnt seen me.
Joe24 said:Leave more room on the exits just in case!
Someone i know, who i have cycled with in the winter on sundays and spoke to while ive been out training on week days had a car come out on his on Lowdham Round about.
His helmet had broken in the week ding phil and friends, so was out without a helmet.
Old man in a can hit him, old man coming out of the round about, he was going around
Bad head injuries, in an iduced coma, and will be/has had a metal plate fitted in his head.
It happened 2 weeks ago today.
Dont think your doing so bad!
Get your bike repaired then get back outDont let the idiot driver put you off
Mini round abouts are dangerous.
ed_o_brain said:I'm not sure how you are supposed to leave more room on exists? I've accounted for someone pulling onto a roundabout without looking either by braking hard (if they are just ahead of me) or accelerating hard (if they are just behind me). I have no idea how I'm supposed to leave more room?
Although I share Joe's emboldened sentiments, I'm not so sure on the inference that his friend would have suffered slighter injuries had he been wearing a cycle helmet. A collision with a car is not the same as a fall at 12 mph.
No they are inanimate objects. Other road users may make them dangerous.
As the others have said, you should find out about making a civil claim to repair the damage to your bike and replace loss of earnings. Hit the driver in thenadspocket.
Joe24 said:Car hit his back wheel if im right, and his head hit the ground.........
You leave more room at the exits easily, be further away from them, not right over. Its pretty simple if you think abut it, be more over to the right then left, be further to the right and a car can come out so far, and brake, and maybe not get you