Über Member
- Location
- Malaga, Spain
It's not 100% waterproof, but good enough for any but the most torrential downpour.
That's the problem here. We have what I like to call "Spanish rain". It starts out not raining at all, then it starts to spit a bit, and if you're lucky you have a few minutes to find shelter. Then it's like someone's thrown a bucket of water over you. I was caught in it for 5 minutes the other day, got in and stood in front of the washing machine to strip my clothes off and put them straight in it. After I'd had my bath, I went back to the kitchen to clean up and my partner was standing there saying, "I think the washing machine's leaking." I said it had come off me, but she didn't believe it until the next wash we did was fine.
The rain is like getting under a cold shower or jumping straight into a cold swimming pool. You're gasping for air for a while because it's so sudden, it totally shocks your system. I have known rain like it in the UK, but it's unusual - it's the kind of rain where everyone lurks just inside the supermarket, waiting for it to ease up so they can make a dash for their cars - here, it's normal.
I know there are some waterproofs that can tackle rain that heavy - waxed jackets come to mind! - but I'm not sure how effective regular cycling waterproofs will be, which is another reason why I'm hesitant to spend a lot of money on something.