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North Carolina
Whatever "it" means. I'm an American, so English is a second language to me.
Same here, but I am learning. I now call everyone numpty nobber muppets and when they look at me confused I tell them that means you are very cool in the Queen's English. :thumbsup:

I do think "it" may be universal in it's concept however. I may be wrong but I think this may be considered having "it" :

and this maybe not so much:
I know some may disagree but I have a feeling Kate probably wears Lycra riding gear a little more often than Kelly does too.


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
Tis right, it doesn't matter if you ride a 70 quid BSO or a 7 grand carbon fibre wonder bike, the Lycra uniform or civies, your still a cyclist.
- here we go again ... it's like if you have to run to the bus stop in your office clothes, or run a marathon, you're still a runner .... :popcorn:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Like many who have replied, it depends what I'm doing. Went the long way round into town today - twenty miles in jeans, steel toe cap boots, cotton t-shirt and plenty of thermals, and the only "official" cycling clothing were my gloves, buff and helmet. Wouldn't do that on my road bike though - the noise from flapping, baggy clothes when I'm on the drops is far too annoying.

Oh right ................. I thought that was just your Bingo Wings flapping Jo :giggle:


West Somerset
Oh right ................. I thought that was just your Bingo Wings flapping Jo :giggle:


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
Stages of cycling:
1) I'm going to get a bike, but I'm not going to wear lycra. I will look silly.
2) I'm riding a bike and not wearing lycra. And proud. Why do we need it?
3) I'm riding further distances, and finding that my bum and adjacent areas get a little uncomfortable after a while. Find myself thinking about lycra.
4) I buy some lycra, just to try, but keep it carefully hidden under baggy clothes. I'm not really a lycra wearer, but they may be on to something.
5) I love lycra. Its warm, comfortable, doesn't chaffe, and feels good. I'm going to get some more. Bib tights, longs, shorts, anything I can get my hands on. Can't believe I was stupid enough to rule out lycra.
6) Hot day - ditch the baggies and stick with the lycra. Boy doesn't the bike fly! I've got there and back, still feel good, and have time for an extra cup of tea and a cake. Stupid non-lycra wearing cyclists. Don't know what they are missing.
7) Meet someone I know whilst wearing lycra. They laugh at me. I take a look in the mirror.:eek:. Whose fault is all this?
8) Keep lycra carefully hidden under baggy clothes until I loose a bit more weight. I was right all along!


Stages of cycling:
1) I'm going to get a bike, but I'm not going to wear lycra. I will look silly.
2) I'm riding a bike and not wearing lycra. And proud. Why do we need it?
3) I'm riding further distances, and finding that my bum and adjacent areas get a little uncomfortable after a while. Find myself thinking about lycra.
4) I buy some lycra, just to try, but keep it carefully hidden under baggy clothes. I'm not really a lycra wearer, but they may be on to something.
5) I love lycra. Its warm, comfortable, doesn't chaffe, and feels good. I'm going to get some more. Bib tights, longs, shorts, anything I can get my hands on. Can't believe I was stupid enough to rule out lycra.
6) Hot day - ditch the baggies and stick with the lycra. Boy doesn't the bike fly! I've got there and back, still feel good, and have time for an extra cup of tea and a cake. Stupid non-lycra wearing cyclists. Don't know what they are missing.
7) Meet someone I know whilst wearing lycra. They laugh at me. I take a look in the mirror.:eek:. Whose fault is all this?
8) Keep lycra carefully hidden under baggy clothes until I loose a bit more weight. I was right all along!

I missed a lot of these stages more of
1) Try in a pair of lycra shorts under baggies and a long sleeved sports top.
2) Buy lycra short and wear baggy(ish) top
3) Go full flow, lycra shorts/bib tights and cycling jersey

My friends have laughed at my clothes, and stuff them :ninja:


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
I just don't get it - if cycling becomes a serious exercise activity for you, you will want/need to wear appropriate clothing - which works best if close fitting - doesn't flap, doesn't chafe, doesn't get caught up in the moving parts of the bike. This has been the case all the time I have been cycling - almost 55 years now. It used to be made from fine wool, and cotton, but the introduction of man-made fabrics has been a huge benefit - better fitting, easier laundering, quick drying, harder wearing, better performance - wicking, breathability etc, etc. Are other forums - running for example - littered with threads about lycra embarrassment - or isn't it just accepted that that's what you wear when taking part in that activity?
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