Be very carefull ! It starts off innocently enough when you think "those clip in shoes seem like a good idea", and of course, they are. But then, you've now crossed the line into the "needing special shoes" for an activity, and it's very hard to pull back from this. Next thing, you start thinking that a pair of those special shorts might be more comfy, and it'll save messing round with tucking trousers in socks. Again, these are quite good, so when winter comes, better get some long 'uns. And those with braces seem a good idea too. Next thing you know you find you've bought yourself one of those jackets with pockets in the back, semi windproof - it's only a jersey after all; where's the harm in that ? By this time it's too late, head to foot in lycra, the proverbial MAMIL.
I though I could handle it, so be warned. Just say "no" to drugs the special shoes