I've been using clipless pedals on my road bike for about 7 months now and am happy I switched. Pedaling my new MTB today
felt weird without them and my feet slipped a couple times.
Like others here, I was terrified of going clipless and read as many articles and tips as I could. I practiced a bit in my lawn and fell twice. I've had a few very close calls at stops where I leaned the wrong way, but was able to unclip in the nick of time each time. I spent a good amount of time practicing the motion and always unclip a bit early if I'm approaching a stop.
I love the feeling of my feet being attached to the pedals and I can feel more of my leg doing work. I wouldn't say I've necessarily gained any speed, but I'm able to pedal faster without my feet slipping off, so it kind of makes me faster I guess. Overall, I oddly feel safer clipped in than without.
Good luck to all that take the plunge!

Like others here, I was terrified of going clipless and read as many articles and tips as I could. I practiced a bit in my lawn and fell twice. I've had a few very close calls at stops where I leaned the wrong way, but was able to unclip in the nick of time each time. I spent a good amount of time practicing the motion and always unclip a bit early if I'm approaching a stop.
I love the feeling of my feet being attached to the pedals and I can feel more of my leg doing work. I wouldn't say I've necessarily gained any speed, but I'm able to pedal faster without my feet slipping off, so it kind of makes me faster I guess. Overall, I oddly feel safer clipped in than without.
Good luck to all that take the plunge!