Talliman-I usually put mine away, but somewhere where it can dry off. (I have an outhouse joined on the house that is warmish to work in). Then, I get a yellow duster or similar and wipe everywhere on the bike that needs wiping clean-
nice and steady when I’m in the mood to do it. I even do the individual spokes. Then I usually lubricate the chain/gear cassette with some car gearbox oil, EP stuff is fine.
Be careful to prevent oil from dripping on to the rims or tyres-mine is stood on a decent sized piece of cardboard (that I change every so often), and I put old cloths down under the chain where oil may drip.I also lube any exposed cables.
I think if it is done on a regular basis and you get in to the habit/routine, it is easy to keep on top of.
I got some of these bottle brushes last week for cleaning in the gaps of the centre pull brakes, and anywhere else that I cannot access with the duster. Only £1.23 inc postage from China.So good for the job that I`ve ordered some more.