My OH had a nasty bike injury last year after coming off and impaling his hand on a spikey low down fence. I lost count of the number of people who asked him "weren't you wearing a helmet/" before I tetchily replied on his behalf "clearly not on his freaking hand he wasn't."
Interestingly, the OH had another accident a few years ago where he came off face plant style and suffered a le fort 3 fracture (facial fractures). The max fax surgeon said it was relatively common among cyclists, and there was no difference among the helmeted and non helmeted.
All the cohort studies support the safety of cycling as NONE ever have cycling as a major cause in head injuries. Previous head injuries, assault, simple falls, stairs all feature and the most common is aclohol
Secondly, as I have mentioned elsewhere and seems to be avoided by the pro-helmeteers
The present EN1078 is about effective as a wet paper bag and mot even recognised by some countries and organisations.
There is a lot of evidence to also show that present helmets are ineffective due to the small amounts of material left to absorb energy, never mind the snag points and the issues they cause.
Finally the British Dental Association wants greater facial coverage.
Amazing though how weight, being too warm etc become justifiable arguments against the devlopment of a helmet that actually works, yet are unacceptable if you use the same argument against wearing one