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Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
Has anyone experience with chiropractors? I have been seeing one about my shoulder. I couldn't raise my arm above shoulder level. In fact I couldn't get it anywhere near shoulder level. He's made it a lot better, but boy does he torture me.


Dangerous pseudoscience. Find a Physiotherapist.

Systematic reviews of controlled clinical studies of treatments used by chiropractors have not found evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective, with the possible exception of treatment for back pain.[7] A critical evaluation found that collectively, spinal manipulation was ineffective at treating any condition.[8] Spinal manipulation may be cost-effective for sub-acute or chronic low back pain but the results for acute low back pain were insufficient.[9] The efficacy and cost-effectiveness of maintenance chiropractic care are unknown.[10] There is not sufficient data to establish the safety of chiropractic manipulations.[11] It is frequently associated with mild to moderate adverse effects, with serious or fatal complications in rare cases.[12] There is controversy regarding the degree of risk of vertebral artery dissection, which can lead to stroke and death, from cervical manipulation.[13] Several deaths have been associated with this technique[12] and it has been suggested that the relationship is causative,[14][15] a claim which is disputed by many chiropractors.

Seriously. Ditch the quacks and find a physio.


Dangerous pseudoscience. Find a Physiotherapist.

Seriously. Ditch the quacks and find a physio.
This, there is no science behind it, it's dangerous quackery. It stems from the same period of crap ideas such as osteopathy, naturopathy and homeopathy. Despite the medical sounding name there is no good evidence to suggest it works and substantive evidence that it can cause damage to the spine.


I've been to both chiropractors and osteopaths and thought both were great at the time. I would go in pain pretty much twisted at one point and they would throw me around the room for an hour and I'd be ready to go back into battle so to speak which is what I needed at the time. Now I go to a physiotherapist and she warned me that she is just as brutal but so far I think I've surprised her as I've come to recognise that is exactly what is required when the trouble is deep tissue and only someone not in pain would wince at the treatment. I do laugh at the quackery comments that you have had so far and will litter the thread but despite their claims they have obviously never been doubled in pain that no pain killer would touch it they would soon change their tune. If I'm totally honest I'm not entirely sure there is a huge difference between them all, chiro's will concentrate on manipulation but only after massaging the areas and the physio will massage the area but always finishes with a few cracks to the spine from top to bottom.

Good luck with your shoulder injury, it may feel brutal to begin with but I guarantee you will learn to love it. :okay:


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I had a really badly prolapsed disk in my back a very long time ago, but didn't know it when the pain started. The NHS didn't seem to be in a great hurry to sort it out so I went to a chiropractor. Four visits later and a few hundred quid poorer, I began to have my doubts. Fortunately, I was eventually sent to the physiotherapists at Charing Cross Hospital who were entirely brilliant but impossibly bossy, as they probably get taught to be. The net result is that I'm not a great fan of chiropractors but I'm sure some people find their gentle patter excellent value for money.


Legendary Member
+1 for physio

what has the chiro diagnosed as the issue with your shoulder? And has he fully examined your neck too?


Frozen shoulder? @ Yellow Fang
Yellow Fang

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
+1 for physio

what has the chiro diagnosed as the issue with your shoulder? And has he fully examined your neck too?

Can't remember exactly. He said there were muscles squeezing through bones and such. Initially he thought there might be something wrong with the joint too. During the first treatment session he said it was getting close to frozen shoulder territory, but that there was a bit of movement. To be fair my shoulder is a lot freer than it was. It was bad since before the lockdown, although it was getting a little bit better from doing the exercises I saw on YouTube. My GP said look up some physio exercises on the internet and take some ibuprofin. Ibuprofin did nothing. My stepfather, who's a retired GP, said it was called the 'arc of pain'. It is quite a common problem. He recommended rubbing voltarol on it. He didn't think I needed to see a physio or anyone else, but I had already made the appointments. I definitely think the chiropractor has made it better. I was say about 75%. It is just the pain during the treatments. It makes me want to whimper. I would have preferred a physiotherapist, but just about everywhere around here seemed to be shut at the time.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
I had a bad back and was recommended to go to a chiropractor... £40 a session, lots of joint popping... went to 3.
He advised to go for a walk for 20 minutes after each session to 'unwind'. I realised that it was the walk that was easing my back problem...


I would like to know how many of those decrying the use of Chiropractic and Homeopathy have actually tried either practice? Also whether they base their prejudices on internet and published articles alone, (largely funded by the large pharmaceutical companies)?
I have used a Chiropractor for fourteen years with very positive results, I also use alternative medicines (Homeopathy) with good results. I prefer to address the root cause of pain/illness rather than mask the symptoms.
As with all walks of life there are those who are not good at their profession, as with GP's, Physio's, Osteopaths, if you are not happy you can seek an alternative.
If you want to, you can find specialists in their field, who believe drugs are often prescribed far too easily, Beta blockers being the prime example and Statins to lower LDL Cholesterol are another. Then there is type 2 diabetes, the list is endless.
This being said there are instances where certain drugs are necessary such as Cancer treatments but generally most are prescribed and used far too easily for the financial gain of the large Pharma companies!
I realise my opinion will be ridiculed by the majority but that's to be expected, after all we've been indoctrinated by the large pharmaceutical's into believing drugs are the answer.
I am not going to offer any responses to naysayers, it unlikely to change views, I just wanted to put an alternative view in the thread.

As a footnote I have used both Physio's and Osteopaths before also to good effect and when I had a Sequestrated (torn) disc in my back I had Physio from the NHS. This was after a referral from my Chiropractor as they were not sure of the problem and wanted me to have an MRI scan.


I would like to know how many of those decrying the use of Chiropractic and Homeopathy have actually tried either practice? Also whether they base their prejudices on internet and published articles alone, (largely funded by the large pharmaceutical companies)?
I have used a Chiropractor for fourteen years with very positive results, I also use alternative medicines (Homeopathy) with good results. I prefer to address the root cause of pain/illness rather than mask the symptoms.
As with all walks of life there are those who are not good at their profession, as with GP's, Physio's, Osteopaths, if you are not happy you can seek an alternative.
If you want to, you can find specialists in their field, who believe drugs are often prescribed far too easily, Beta blockers being the prime example and Statins to lower LDL Cholesterol are another. Then there is type 2 diabetes, the list is endless.
This being said there are instances where certain drugs are necessary such as Cancer treatments but generally most are prescribed and used far too easily for the financial gain of the large Pharma companies!
I realise my opinion will be ridiculed by the majority but that's to be expected, after all we've been indoctrinated by the large pharmaceutical's into believing drugs are the answer.
I am not going to offer any responses to naysayers, it unlikely to change views, I just wanted to put an alternative view in the thread.

As a footnote I have used both Physio's and Osteopaths before also to good effect and when I had a Sequestrated (torn) disc in my back I had Physio from the NHS. This was after a referral from my Chiropractor as they were not sure of the problem and wanted me to have an MRI scan.
It's not a question of needing to try it. I don't need to drink water to figure out that it does nothing to solve illness - hello Homeopathy!

It's nonsense from end to end and the same with chiropractic, it's a junk pseusoscience that "works" based on the idea that all illnesses can be fixed by moving bones. It's utterly irrelevent or not whether you think it work, the evidence (i.e. peer reviewed journals) show that it doesn't. Anecdote is not evidence.

Edit: I'm not going to get into pharmaceutical companies and their shenanigans or the overprescription of drugs as it's too long a topic - but it's also evidence based. Ben Goldacre has a lot of articles on it and covers it in his books too if you want some light reading.

The difference is that modern medicine is largely evidence based, if it doesn't work we stop using it, this isn't the case with junk medicine like the aforementioned, they keep doing the same thing and making the same claims regardless.


I would like to know how many of those decrying the use of Chiropractic and Homeopathy have actually tried either practice? Also whether they base their prejudices on internet and published articles alone, (largely funded by the large pharmaceutical companies)?
I have used a Chiropractor for fourteen years with very positive results, I also use alternative medicines (Homeopathy) with good results. I prefer to address the root cause of pain/illness rather than mask the symptoms.
As with all walks of life there are those who are not good at their profession, as with GP's, Physio's, Osteopaths, if you are not happy you can seek an alternative.
If you want to, you can find specialists in their field, who believe drugs are often prescribed far too easily, Beta blockers being the prime example and Statins to lower LDL Cholesterol are another. Then there is type 2 diabetes, the list is endless.
This being said there are instances where certain drugs are necessary such as Cancer treatments but generally most are prescribed and used far too easily for the financial gain of the large Pharma companies!
I realise my opinion will be ridiculed by the majority but that's to be expected, after all we've been indoctrinated by the large pharmaceutical's into believing drugs are the answer.
I am not going to offer any responses to naysayers, it unlikely to change views, I just wanted to put an alternative view in the thread.

As a footnote I have used both Physio's and Osteopaths before also to good effect and when I had a Sequestrated (torn) disc in my back I had Physio from the NHS. This was after a referral from my Chiropractor as they were not sure of the problem and wanted me to have an MRI scan.
The difference may be the use of pain killers for some as I've never been able to find one or combination that helps with the likes of back pain so an alternative was a must and it worked well for me.
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