Hi Squirrel - I am a trailer tower!!
I wanted to get back into riding when my youngest was about a year, so did a huge tour of shops selling trailers - I was on a very lmited budget of £200 & all the ones that bracket seemed filmsy & insubtantial. The ones I really like Burley, Chariot were right out my range so I looked on Ebay to see if i could get a decent second hand one, but still found them going for silly money there.
But I did find an Ebay shop business based in Germany & bought one from them, it only cost me around £50 inc P&P (but I suppose the price deepend on who' bidding at any given etc)
It's steel framed with a real sturdy waterproof cover - yes it is a tad heavy at 16K but it's built like a tank & can tackle just about any terrain.
I've had it since Nov 06 & apart from scrapes on the wheel guards (from the shool gates) it's still sound, its max weight load is supposdly 45kg, but my boys together have hit that & it's showing no signs of affecting it.
I mentioned the weight - but to be honest once movin its not noticable on the flat & I can manage moderate hills easily enough - I can do big ones but only if carrying just my youngest lol!
This is like the one I have
Silly me - I meant to include...
I have used my friends Phillips Avon trailer once & it scared the bejesus out of me - Really small, light & flimsy, my boys complained it was cramped & ery bumpy, rough bumpy, not bouncy bumpy.
Compared to my trailer it was aslo very low to the ground & I really wasn't confidant about its safety, so much so that after about a mile on road i actulay moved onto the pavement & pushed!
I wouldn't reccomned this type of trailer for anything more than a Sunday ride round the park.