Yes thats what I do - but even this morning at one min intervals my sys low was 117 - but the first reading was 133
Yep, I often find my first reading is quite a bit higher than the following ones - I guess the minute or two of relaxation between readings makes a difference, even if it's only psychological.
On the subject of heart murmurs, a friend of mine had one spotted by the doc a couple of years ago, and the doc was concerned about his BP too - his systolic was a bit above normal, but his diastolic was sometimes down in the 40s. A measured panic ensued, and he was sent for all sorts of examinations, all the while feeling just fine.
Now, a couple of years on, the diagnosis seems to just be "you're weird". They've found nothing medically wrong with him - no sign of arteriosclerosis, all blood tests come back normal, ECG and various scans show nothing abnormal. He's on a beta blocker (not entirely sure why) and has been told to just carry on as normal and get checked every six months.
I suspect millions of people around the world are living perfectly healthy lives with all sorts of heart murmurs and arrhythmias.