I just feel such a fool - all that healthy eating, gym, cycling - and now I find I have this - I might just as well sat on the sofa with a bottle of beer and a big bag of pork scratching's - Anxiety and depression shafted me out of a more comfortable standard living - now this.....
Sure I can pootle around on the flat - but when I said I cycle Im not sure she understood that I regular going up 12% hills - and yes the ticker is pounding - is that normal ? - is it dangerous ? - is that why the hills never seem easier
I m just so f***n angry - and I m not sure why....................Sorry for the rant....
Ah, you poor bastard.
It's probably nothing, but it needs to be investigated. Oh, and if it is something, then everything you have done is the reason that it took a woman with a stethoscope to find it, not some 999 catastrophe.
If you are really not dealing with this news, can you ring your GP? Mine is really good at calling back after surgery to answer follow up questions. If they don't, then book another gp appointment unless the follow up is happening quickly.